
​​ASCSU 2022-2023 Web.png

Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU)

As the official voice of the faculty in matters of systemwide concern, the Academic Senate of the California State University provides the means for faculty to participate in the collegial form of governance based on historic academic traditions as recognized by California law.

ASCSU Committees &CSU Council of Campus Senate Chairs

Five committees carry on the work of the ASCSU. The Council is the voice of the Campus Senate Chairs of the 23 campuses of the CSU​ system. 

Resolutions & Reports

Find past Academic Senate resolutions by searching by author or subject.

Legislative Advocacy


Plenary & Special Events​​

Find plenary agendas, minutes and information about the most recent CSU Academic Conference, held in February 2017.

Plenary Agendas
Plenary Minutes
Special Events
2​024/25 ASCSU ​Calendar​​​


Founded in 1963, the Academic Senate promotes academic excellence in the CSU, recommends policies to the Board of Trustees, and serves as the official voice of CSU faculty in matters ​of systemwide concern.

Learn More

Outstanding Faculty

The CSU is proud to recognize our many exceptional faculty members who have received campus awards in teaching, scholarship or service.

Meet Our Outstanding Faculty

Nominate a Faculty Member (login required)

Contact Us

CSU Office of the Chancellor
Academic Senate CSU
401 Golden Shore, Suite 243
Long Beach, CA 90802​

Chancellor’s Office Support

Joseph Salcido
Program Manager
​ Academ​ic Senate​
(562) 951-4421
Reem Osman
Administrative Support Specialist
Academic Senate
(562) 951-4011