CSU Major & Course-to-Course Articulation Agreement Updates

​​Campus References & Resources Links

The following informational references are provi​ded by CSU campuses.

Last updated March 2020

Select departmental articulation agreements can be found at www.csub.edu/articulation. Please refer to the CSUB catalog for information on majors. ​​
Cal Poly Pomona
​Cal Poly Pomona’s online catalog contains up-to-date curricula (courses required by major):


Channel Islands
​Review information related to articulation on the following campus webpage:



Review information related to articulation on the following campus web page:


Dominguez Hills
Information related to any major agreement updates for the AY 2018-2019 are noted in the academic year 2016-17 major agreements available in the ASSIST site at www.assist.org.
​East Bay
Transfer Equivalency System (TES) https://tinyurl.com/East-Bay-CSU
Information  regarding articulation updates for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 catalog years will soon be featured on the Fresno State Office of the University Registrar web page at http://fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/registrar/articulation/index.html under the ASSIST button.
​Updated information related to CSUF course articulation effective Fall 2017 and beyond can be found here csufarticulation/home.

Review information on articulation agreements on the following campus web page https://registrar.humboldt.edu/transfer-credit

Please refer to HSU catalog for updated information on majors and courses required by major:


Long Beach

Information related to any major agreement updates for the Academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 are not available at the moment. It is highly recommended that all transfer students access the most current major-specific requirements for admission at http://www.csulb.edu/admissions/fall-2019-major-specific-requirements-transfer-students and cross reference the courses there using the 2016-17 pdf report in the New ASSIST in order to find articulated courses. Contact nor.sharif@csulb.edu or 562-985-7171 or 562-985-1746 for inquiries.
​Los Angeles

For information on course to course agreements starting in Fall

2017, please refer to the Cal State LA Transfer Equivalencies webpage.


​​Information related to any major agreement updates for the AY 2018-2019 are noted in the academic year 2016-17 major agreements available in the ASSIST site at www.assist.org  
​San Bernardino

Updated information related to CSUSB course articulation effective Fall 2017 and beyond can be found here csusb.edu/assist-information/home.

Transfer Equivalency System (TES) 


Transfer Credit information 


San Diego
Transfer major program articulation for all academic years, is available on the SDSU Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/pubred/!tap.disp.  Updates to 2018-19 information will begin appearing mid-October 2018.
San Francisco
​Questions about articulation for SF State courses or SF State major requirements displayed in ASSIST can be sent to artic@sfsu.edu
San José State
Information related to any major agreement updates for the AY 2018-2019 are noted in the academic year 2016-17 major agreements available in the ASSIST site at www.assist.org. Additional information may be found on the campus articulation site here http://info.sjsu.edu/home/artic.html.
San Luis Obispo

Not currently available on ASSIST

Cal Poly individual course-to-course agreements approved after April 30, 2019 are displayed here.


Current ASSIST display

Course articulation agreements for the most recent academic years (2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019), can be viewed in academic year (2016-2017) on ASSIST.org. Cal Poly will honor all articulation shown in academic year (2016-2017) for subsequent years (2017-2018, 2018-2019).


Other recommended resources

It is recommended all agreements be used in conjunction with the Cal Poly Catalog, which will indicate the most up-to date curriculum, and the Transfer Selection Criteria, indicating up-to-date course listings required for competitive admission.

​​San Marcos

CCC’s Articulation by department:
Sonoma State
Information related to any major agreement updates for the AY 2018-2019 are noted in the academic year 2016-17 major agreements available in the ASSIST site at http://www.assist.org 

​Articulation and Transfer Planning 


CSU Approved General Education (GE) Courses by CCC https://sites.google.com/csusb.edu/assist-information/home