
Esports Cal State

Esports (also known as electronic sports) is a form of organized sports involving multiplayer video game competitions. Esports has many factors that affect student life and outcomes including student recruitment, retention, community building and career development.

The CSU formed Esports Cal State to be a systemwide network and collective to engage students, staff, faculty and administrators to promote each campus’s esports program and promote best practices in sustaining vibrant and c​ompetitive communities.

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Esports Cal State Cup​

The third annual Esports Cal State Cup tournament took place on Saturday, March 1st. Eleven campuses from throughout the CSU system competed playing Overwatch 2 to play for the trophy and title of grand finals champions. Congratulations to CSU Long Beach for winning the tournament as well taking home prizes and the tournament plaque.

We give a big thank you to our Diamond level sponsors SHI and ASUS for contributing prizing to the winning team and tournament volunteers. Thank you to our Platinum level sponsor, Lenovo for contributing to prizing as well.

SHI Logo  
Asus Logo  
Lenovo Logo  

Rewatch highlights and the whole tournament on our Twitch channel at https://twitch.tv/esportscalstate!

Rewatch the Tourrnament

Campus Es​​ports Clu​bs