Systemwide Digital Library Services (SDLS) oversees the adoption, development, implementation and support of systemwide library information systems aimed at providing improved management of, and greater access to, the collections and services of the CSU Libraries.
This shared library services platform consolidates the CSU libraries’ various back-office functionality into a single system, creating more streamlined workflows for managing print and electronic resources, while saving the CSU over a million dollars annually.
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An open-source institutional repository for collecting and providing access to the CSU’s scholarly output, including research papers, theses, dissertations, and other academic works. ScholarWorks enhances the visibility and impact of research by making it freely available online while ensuring long-term preservation and accessibility.
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An open-source journal publishing platform that enables CSU campuses to freely manage and publish academic journals online. It provides tools for article submission, peer review, editorial workflow management, and digital archiving, making scholarly publishing more accessible and cost-effective.
Go to CSU Open Journals
An open-source digital asset management system for managing, preserving, and providing access to the unique digital collections of the CSU libraries, including university archives and digitized manuscripts, photographs, and other archival materials.
Go to CSU Digital Archives
Need help? Here's how to reach the Systemwide Digital Library Services staff.
Contact SDLS Staff
This team coordinates and manages the contracting of electronic information resources in support of the CSU's academic mission.
Learn About SDLC
The CSU libraries are a network led by the Council of Library Deans with support from Systemwide Digital Library Services & Content.
Go to the CSU Libraries Network
Document library for the Council of Library Deans and its various standing committees and task forces.
Go to the COLD SharePoint site