The following are changes proposed to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
February 4, 2020
Title 5, California Code of Regulations
Division 5 – Board of Trustees of the California State Universities
Chapter 1 – California State University
Subchapter 2 – Educational Program
Article 1 – General Function
§ 40050.5. Function: Instruction Leading to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Degree.
Notwithstanding Section 40050, the Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree may be awarded independently of any other institution of higher education, provided that the program leading to the degree satisfies the criteria in section 40519.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code.
Title 5, California Code of Regulations
Division 5 – Board of Trustees of the California State Universities
Chapter 1 – California State University
Subchapter 2 – Educational Program
Article 7 – Graduate Degrees
40519. The Occupational Therapy Doctorate Degree.
(a) A California State University program leading to an Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree may be offered independently of any other institution of higher education. California State University Occupational Therapy Doctorate programs shall:
(1) provide curriculum grounded in evidence-based practice;
(2) prepare graduates to participate in the field of occupational therapy; and
(3) be consistent with the requirements of a professional accrediting body and California state licensure laws.
(b) Each campus offering a program leading to an Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree shall establish requirements for admission to the program. The requirements for admission shall include, at a minimum, the requirements stated in Section 41024.
(c) The program leading to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree shall conform to the following specifications:
(1) The curriculum shall include learning experiences that balance research, theory, clinical education and practice. The core curriculum shall provide professional preparation focusing on critical thinking and decision-making, including but not limited to: foundational sciences, clinical sciences and behavioral sciences, professional practice, patient/client management, and practice management.
(2) The postbaccalaureate pattern of study shall be composed of at least one hundred and ten (110) semester units earned in graduate standing.
(3) At least 60 semester units shall be completed in residence at the campus awarding the degree. At the discretion of the appropriate campus authority, courses required for California State University Occupational Therapy Doctorate programs that are completed at another CSU campus may apply toward the residency requirement at the CSU campus that awards the degree.
(4) A qualifying assessment shall be required.
(5) The pattern of study shall include successful completion of a doctoral capstone in accordance with accreditation standards that is expected to contribute to knowledge in occupational therapy science or to an improvement in occupational therapy practice, policy or client outcomes and shall be subject to the following:
(A) The doctoral capstone shall demonstrate the student's doctoral-level mastery of research skills, occupational science and/or current evidence-based practice. It shall demonstrate critical and independent thinking and a command of the research literature;
(B) The written component of the doctoral capstone shall demonstrate originality, evidencing critical and independent thinking. It shall be organized in an appropriate form and shall identify the research problem and question(s), state the major theoretical perspectives, explain the significance of the undertaking, relate it to the relevant scholarly and professional literature, identify the methods of gathering and analyzing the data, analyze and interpret data and offer a conclusion or recommendation;
(C) An oral defense or presentation of the doctoral capstone may be required; and
(D) No more than fifteen (15) semester units shall be allowed for the doctoral capstone.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code.
Title 5, California Code of Regulations
Division 5 – Board of Trustees of the California State Universities
Chapter 1 – California State University
Subchapter 2 – Educational Program
Article 7 – Graduate Degrees
§ 40519.1. The Occupational Therapy Doctorate Degree: Requirements.
(a) Advancement to Candidacy. For advancement to candidacy for the Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree, the student shall have achieved classified graduate standing and met such particular requirements as the chancellor and appropriate campus authority may prescribe. The requirements shall include a qualifying doctoral assessment.
(b) To be eligible for the Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree, the candidate shall have completed a program of study that includes: a qualifying examination or other qualifying doctoral assessment, and a doctoral capstone that is consistent with the specifications in section 40519 and is approved by the appropriate campus authority. A grade point average of 3.0 (grade of B) or better shall have been earned in aggregate in courses taken to satisfy the requirements for the degree, except that a course in which no letter grade is assigned shall not be used in computing the grade point average.
(c) The student shall have completed all requirements for the degree within five years of achieving classified standing in the doctoral program. The appropriate campus authority may extend the time for completion of the requirements if:
(1) the student is in good standing,
(2) the extension is warranted by compelling individual circumstances, and
(3) the student demonstrates current knowledge of research and practice in occupational therapy, as required by the campus.
Note: Authority cited: Sections
66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections
66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code.
Title 5, California Code of Regulations
Division 5 – Board of Trustees of the California State Universities
Chapter 1 – California State University
Subchapter 3 – Admission Requirements
Article 8 – Admission of Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Students
§ 41024. Admission to Occupational Therapy Doctorate Programs.
(a) An applicant may be admitted with classified graduate standing to a program leading to an Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree established pursuant to Section 40519 if the applicant satisfies the requirements of each of the following numbered subdivisions:
(1) The applicant holds an acceptable baccalaureate degree earned at an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association or the applicant has completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by the appropriate campus authority.
(2) The applicant has an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 in upper-division baccalaureate study, postbaccalaureate and master's study combined.
(3) The student has completed all campus-required prerequisite coursework.
(4) The applicant must have been in good academic standing at the last institution.
(5) The applicant has met any additional requirements established by the chancellor in consultation with the faculty and any additional requirements prescribed by the appropriate campus authority.
Note: Authority cited: Sections
66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections
66043, 66043.1, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code.
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