CSU Board of Trustees Meeting: Chancellor’s Report
Long Beach, CA
March 20, 2012
Thank you, Acting Chair Hauck.
I want to begin with a few words on Herb Carter.
Herb has been removed from the chairman’s position through no fault of his own. He is a person who gave his life to the CSU.
He has served at every level of our institution. He is a person who always makes decisions by putting students first. He left his mark on so many of our major initiatives:
- SB 1440 and our transfer initiative
- Early Start
- Teacher Education
- Outreach
I find extremely disappointing that his nomination to the Board of Trustees would be subject to political circumstances. To deny the confirmation of a person that has done so much of behalf of the CSU is incomprehensible.
He is not here today, but he is not forgotten. I want to let all of you know that we will be hosting a reception for Herb and Virginia Carter after the May 8 Board of Trustees meeting.
I also want to thank you, Bill, and also Bob Linscheid for stepping up to help in what is obviously a difficult situation.
As you heard earlier today, our budget situation is bleak.
We are preparing ourselves for a worst-case scenario - a $200 million trigger cut.
We are already planning to cut our headcount enrollment by 20,000 to 25,000 students for 2013-2014. If we face this trigger cut, we may have to cut another 2,500 to 3,000 faculty and staff.
These are extremely painful cuts that are difficult to even contemplate.
But it is a reality that we need to face and plan for.
I will continue to focus my attentions on creating the best possible outcome for the CSU given a very dark winter in Sacramento.
Last but not least, I want to call your attention to the “How to Get to College” posters on your desk. We have recently completed a poster redesign, and I hope that you take a chance to look at all of the information and features that our new poster offers to students.
Chair Hauck, that concludes my report.