Report of the Chair

Remarks by Roberta Achtenberg
Chair of the Board
CSU Board of Trustees – Chair’s Report
September 20, 2006

Welcome Glen Toney
Because Dr. Glen Toney was unable to participate in the July meeting, this is his first trustees meeting since being appointed by the governor. Welcome and congratulations. Dr. Toney is an alumnus of CSU Chico. He is an educator and spent 23 years as an executive with an information technology infrastructure supplier headquartered in Santa Clara.

Dr. Toney, would like to offer any comments?

Dr. Toney commented that he appreciated how everyone has been very welcoming to him.

Trustee Confirmations
Congratulations are extended to Dr. Debra Farar and Mr. Lou Monville on their recent confirmation by the State Senate on the final day of the legislative session.

I look forward to announcing the confirmations for other newly appointed trustees after the legislature returns.

CSU Stanislaus
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges recognized the proposal for reaccreditation prepared by CSU Stanislaus as exemplary and will use it as a training model for other institutions. The proposal serves as the framework for the accreditation review process and the first of a three-step process.

U.S. Department of Education Grants
Three CSU colleges of education were awarded a total of $5.1 million by the U.S. Department of Education under the Transition to Teaching program. The grants will enable the colleges to recruit and train new teachers in the critical shortage areas of mathematics, science and special education.

CSU Dominguez Hills received $2 million to recruit and prepare 150 math and science teachers for the Los Angeles Unified and Lynwood Unified school districts.

CSU Fullerton’s grant of $1.77 million will train 125 math, science and special education teachers for the Santa Ana Unified School District.

And finally, CSU Long Beach was awarded $1.28 million to prepare 75 math and science teachers for alternative education programs operated by the Orange County Department of Education.

College Rankings
The U.S. News & World Report released its 2007 college rankings in late August. Another ranking, the Princeton Review, also includes several CSU campuses in the Best in the West category. Our faculty, staff, students and alumni can be proud of the representation of CSU campuses in the various categories.

Evaluation of General Counsel
Yesterday in closed session the Board of Trustees received the three-year evaluation of General Counsel Christine Helwick. Consistent with board policy, CSU system executives and campus presidents are formally reviewed on a three-year cycle. The board concluded that Ms. Helwick is extremely knowledgeable about higher education law, is service oriented toward the campuses and Chancellor’s Office, and has developed an office staffed by well-prepared and dedicated attorneys. She is thoughtful, creative, fiscally conservative and has a strong work ethic. Congratulations to Ms. Helwick for having a very positive performance evaluation and for your leadership in the CSU. We thank you for your service to the CSU.

That concludes my report. Now it is time for the Chancellor’s Report.

Chancellor Reed, will you make your report.