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100% Construction Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which the complete construction documents have been reviewed by internal CSU reviewers, external agencies, and the Campus Deputy Building Official. A construction/ demolition permit may be issued after completion of this milestone.

20-day Letter 

Required for an augmentation request of more than 10 percent but less than 20 percent (or any augmentation request in excess of $50,000) of a project’s appropriation; other notification to the JLBC as required by law; PPD prepares a draft letter for Director of Finance to transmit to the JLBC; also required for change in project scope.​​

30-day Letter 

Thirty-day notice is required for certain actions pursuant to Section 6 (General Sections, Statewide) of the Budget Act and Provision 4, Item 6610-001-001, (also applicable to Items 6610-301-660 and 6610-301-600 and 6610-301-782) (CSU support and capital outlay appropriations) of the Budget Act.​

75% Schematic Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which schematic documents as outlined by requirements are provided to the Office of the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of California State University for review and approval of Trustees.

90% Working Drawings Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which the complete construction documents are provided to various CSU reviewers for approval or concurrence. Such reviews are internal CSU processes and do not include external agencies.

95% Working Drawings Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which the complete construction documents are provided to various external agencies for approval or concurrence. This milestone occurs after internal CSU reviews have been completed.
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Academic Planning Database (APDB) 

This database provides an inventory of scheduled course sections and all supervised instruction during the term.

Academic Senate 

The Academic Senate of the California State University​ consists of 53 faculty members elected by their colleagues at the 23 individual universities comprising the California State University system. The Senate, founded in 1963, records academic policies to the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor.​​​

Academic Year (AY) 

An annual period beginning with the fall term and ending with the spring term. Summer quarters and sessions are not included in the academic year. Academic year includes off-campus centers and does not include summer full-time equivalent (FTE). 

Adjusted Full-time Equivalent Faculty 

“Adjusted” includes a contribution factor from unassigned faculty positions (usually less than 3 percent of the reported values). These are faculty for whom Instructional Faculty Fraction (IFF) was reported, but who did not teach any sections.​


Refers to Public Solicitations. All 23 campuses of The California State University must advertise all of their public works projects in the California​ State Contracts Register and may advertise in the PlanetBids CSU Public Solicita​​tion Portal. Contractors first need to register on these sites and once registered, they can search for projects to bid.

Advocacy and State Relations 

​Based in Sacramento, the CSU Office of Advocacy and State Relations​ advocates for the interests of the California State University with the state's government. ​


​The amount of an appropriation approved for expenditure. The amount of money allocated is not necessarily the total amount appropriated. See also Appropriation, Expenditure​

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 

​A federal civil rights law​ that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. 

Title I = Equal Employment Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities  
Title II = Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services   
Title III = Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities  
Title IV = Telecommunications  
Title V = Miscellaneous Provisions

Annual Full-Time Equivalent 

A measurement of full-time equivalent (FTE) students, which is equal to 30 semester units or 45 quarter units. Annual FTE for the college year provides the base for the total support budget and is equal to the academic year plus the annual FTE for the summer quarter for campuses on year-round operations.​


Funds made available through Budget Act authorization or other special legislation. This is also the amount of money carried in the Budget Act to support a capital project; the expenditure of preliminary money is allowed without approval other than the Budget Act; the expenditure of working drawings and construction money requires the approval of the Public Works Board and Department of Finance, respectively; the expenditure of equipment money requires Department of Finance approval of the equipment list. See also Allocation​

Architect of Record (AOR) 

​Individual responsible for the charge of documents.​​

Architectural and Engineering Fees (A/E Fees) 

The component of a project’s cost paid to private firms for architectural and/or engineering services, including site surveys, soil reports and extra services required in addition to the basic fee.

Reference: SUAM 6553 – A/E fees (basic and non-basic) are those fees charged for architectural and engineering work. Items include professional charges for A/E construction management support, travel, bidding expenses, drawings, etc. that are project related. 

Such fees shall not exceed 13 percent of the proposed construction contract amounts (excluding construction contingencies). Fees in excess of the amount must be approved in advance by the California Department of Finance.​

Assignable Square Feet (ASF) 

The floor area in any building or structure. Sometimes referred to as Net Square Feet or Usable Square Feet and also known as the building area of a capital project in terms of square feet assigned to a user and generally consists of classrooms, laboratories, offices and usable spaces that support the academic program.

Assignable square feet is inclusive of columns or similar structural obstructions; built-in or free-standing furniture and equipment; and/or alcoves and similarly recessed areas.

ASF is exclusive of public corridors, lobbies, stairways, elevators and other general circulation; janitors' closets and other specialized custodial space usable only for building maintenance; heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, and other such utility space required for building operation; public toilets; and telecom closets

Reference: SUAM 9903.10 et seq.​


Additional funding, usually requested to supplement a construction appropriation; augmentations of less than 10 percent of an appropriation, to a maximum of $50,000, may be granted by the Department of Finance by Executive Order; augmentations in excess of $50,000 up to a maximum of 20 percent of an appropriation may be granted by the Public Works Board; augmentations exceeding 20 percent of an appropriation must be provided by the Legislature.​

Auxiliary and Business Services (ABS) 

CSU department responsible for policies relative to auxiliary (non-starter) operations and the business activities of campuses.

Auxiliary Enterprise 

A program, activity or fund source used to furnish facilities, goods or services to faculty, staff or, incidentally, to the public. An auxiliary enterprise typically charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the facilities, goods or services. The distinguishing characteristic of an auxiliary enterprise is that it is managed on an essentially self-supporting basis. Examples are faculty, staff and student housing, food services, college stores, faculty clubs, parking, and student health services. Auxiliary organizations are also considered auxiliary enterprises. 

Auxiliary Organizations 

Separate legal entities authorized in the Education Code to provide essential services to students and employees. Auxiliary organizations​ operate in association with the campuses and are permitted to perform functions that contribute to the educational mission of the campus. Examples are associated student organizations, special education projects, student union operations and commercial operations, which include bookstores and food services.​

Availability (of Funds) 

Availability is the period that appropriated funds are available for encumbrance. This period is set by control language (Budget Act Control Section 2 or by language in the appropriation item itself).

P, PW, Studies and Minor Cap are available for one year; while WC, C and E are available for three years.​


Assistant Vice Chancellor​

Award Stage 

A phase which a contract is awarded for construction.
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Battery Energy Storage (BES) 

Battery Energy Storage is an emerging stationary use of batteries to charge and discharge to balance electrical loads and reduce the cost of electrical service.​


Generally used to reference a contractor’s financial proposal to construct a capital project. See also State University Contract Law​​

Bid Alternates 

Also called Alternates. SUAM 6554, Public Contract Code Section 10126​ allows the acceptance of bids on alternates, additions to or deductions from a basic project bid, not to exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost of the base project. See also SUAM, Section 6731

Bidding Phase 

The period of time between the completion of the contract documents by the Architect/Engineer and the start of construction by the Contractor (assuming that the competitive bidding process rather than the OSA Direct Construction Section or Department of Corrections inmate option is used). 

Typical activities in the bidding phase include advertising the project in construction trade papers; preparation of construction bids by interested bidders; bids being received and analyzed; choosing and approval of a low bidder; and the successful low bidder executing a contract and being notified to proceed (NTP) with the construction work.​​

Reference: SUAM 6555 

Biogas (or Renewable Natural Gas) 

Biogas, also referred to as Renewable Natural Gas, is methane produced by the breakdown of organic waste found in sources such as agricultural waste, municipal solid waste or sewage. It is considered to be a renewable fuel because its combustion does not generate any net carbon dioxide emissions, as the base organic as material absorbed its carbon from the atmosphere as part of its growing cycle.​​


Vegetated landscape features designed to intercept storm water, remove silt and pollution, and retain an/or infiltrate into the ground.​​

Board of Trustees (BOT) 

The 25-member body (24 voting, one nonvoting) that sets policy for the California State University. The Governor appoints 16 members. Five are ex officio and include the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Speaker of the Assembly and Chancellor of the CSU. 

The Governor appoints a faculty trustee from nominees proposed by the statewide Academic Senate. The California State Student Association appoints the alumni trustee. Student trustees serve staggered two-year terms. One student trustee has full voting powers; the second, nonvoting student trustee succeeds to the voting position upon the expiration of the term of the first.​​

Bond Financing 

​A debt obligation (bond) issued to finance projects. Bond financing is a type of long-term borrowing used to raise money for specific projects. The state gets money by selling bonds to investors and must pay back the amount of the bonds along with interest.

Boundary and Encumbrance Map (B&E Map) 

An AutoCAD drawing file that contains a record of survey data, title report information, and plots of encumbrances, quitclaims and leases. The B&E Map is maintained by the Land Use Planning and Environmental Review unit in Capital Planning, Design and Construction.

Reference: SUAM Section III: 9017 and 9018​

Budget Act 

The annual state budget after adoption by the Legislature and signature by the Governor. The first sections are the vetoes from the Governor, veto line items, aka “blue pencil” items. There must be a two-thirds majority vote by the Senate/Assembly to override the Governor’s veto. The first two sections of the Legislative Counsel’s Digest  tell how monies that have been appropriated will be spent.
See also Governor's Budget​​

Budget Act Language 

Narrative adopted as part of the Budget Act that specifies or controls how appropriated funds are to be utilized; sometimes places restrictions upon the use of funds and has the effect of law.​​

Budget Hearings 

Refers to California Department of Finance (DOF) Budget Hearings. Following the review of the budget package, the DOF will conduct budget hearings with departmental staff, agency secretaries (if applicable), and with the Governor’s office. Upon completion of these hearings, approved projects will be included in the Governor’s Budget.​

Reference: SUAM 6670 

Budget Package 

Defined as pre-schematic drawings, outline specifications and cost estimate. Budget packages shall be sufficiently descriptive to accurately convey the location, scope, cost and nature of the improvement being proposed.​​

Reference:  SUAM 6556 

Builders Risk Insurance Program (BRIP) 

​The Board of Trustees established a CSU Builders Risk Insurance Program (BRIP) to be used on all major projects, regardless of delivery method, and provides course of construction insurance. Projects are enrolled in the BRIP using MetaBIM, an online database.
​Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. is the administrator for this program.

Building Envelope 

The physical separator between the conditioned and unconditioned environment of a building, including the resistance to air, water, heat, light and noise transfer.​​

Bundled Utility Service 

When a utility service provider supplies all the components of electric service. This includes energy generation, transmission, distribution services and ancillary and retail services.​

CSU Building Official 

The CSU Building Official in the Office of the Chancellor (the Director of Architecture) who is the senior building official in the CSU responsible for the overall administration and operational control of the building code – California Code of Regulations, Title 24. See also Campus Deputy Building Official

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California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 

The state law(s) and process that require an environmental review, analysis, and documentation process. CEQA requires all public agencies to disclose any significantly adverse impact that a proposed capital outlay project or lease may have upon the environment. It is the responsibility of public agencies to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the CEQA.​​

If required, an environmental document must be completed and available prior to submitting the project to the Public Works Board (PWB) for approval and authorization to begin work. Completion of the document must also take place before the public agency takes any irrevocable action on the project. In addition, information regarding environmental effects from a project may be required for both scope conferences with the California Legislative Analyst's Office and the Department of Finance.

Reference: SUAM 6680

California Fiscal Information System (CFIS) 

A multi-digit accounting code. Every capital project carries a project-specific CFIS number. The CFIS number is assigned by by the Controller's Office (CO). The titles and CFIS numbers must stay the same throughout the life of the project, until completion. CFIS numbers cannot combine projects, unless approved by the California Department of Finance.​

California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) 

The state organization that reviews and makes policy-level recommendations regarding California’s higher education community.​​

California State University (CSU) 

The CSU consists of 23 campuses and the Chancellor’s Office.​​

California State University Contract Law 

State law that governs the CSU’s contracting for public works and related services. This chapter in Public Contract Code is called "California State University Contract Law." Also referred to as SUCL (State University Contract Law).

Campus Consulting Master Plan Architect 

Each campus shall annually appoint a consulting campus architect. The responsibilities of the campus-consulting architect are defined in the State University Administrative Manual (SUAM).​

Campus Consulting Master Plan Architect/Consulting Landscape Architect 

Professional firms appointed annually by the campus president to advise the campus, Chancellor's Office and the Board of Trustees on the physical development of the campus. 

Campus Deputy Building Official (CDBO) 

Procedures Guide states that a Campus Deputy Building Official is an individual acting on behalf of the trustees, and under the authority of the chancellor or campus president (as well as the CSU Building Official). Reference in SUAM is "the responsible building official".

Campus Planning, Building and Grounds (CPB&G) 

A committee of the Board of Trustees to which capital outlay projects and policy matters are presented. CPB&G reviews the Capital Outlay Program, schematics plans and master plan revisions.​

Capacity Space 

Capacity of facilities is usually expressed in terms of student stations, annual FTE (full-time equivalent) student capacity or office stations. Those portions of a building that are “driven” or “justified” by enrollment. See also Assignable Square Feet, Gross Square Feet

Reference: SUAM Section V: 9047​

Capital Outlay 

Expenditures that result in the acquisition of or addition to major fixed assets (e.g., land, buildings and equipment related to construction).

Capital outlay includes purchases of land and costs related thereto, including capital outlay planning and administrative costs, court costs, condemnation costs, legal fees, title fees, etc., and construction projects, including preliminary planning, working drawings, and equipment related to a construction project regardless of cost or timing. 

Construction projects include new construction, alteration and extension for betterment of existing structures. Capital outlay projects must be for state-owned properties and facilities and must improve the facility beyond its present use or designed levels. State acquisition projects, regardless of amount, are funded in major capital outlay. 

Reference: SUAM 6523

Capital Outlay Amendment 

An amendment to the Board of Trustee’s approved Capital Outlay Program. Capital Outlay Amendments occur outside of the normal approval process for the Systemwide Five-Year Plan. Amendments may be approved by the Board of Trustees or under delegated authority.

Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP) 

Document that describes and justifies a capital outlay project. The COBCP describes in detail the nature of the program requested and supplies the detailed information demonstrating the need for the project.

As per SUAM 6557, previously referred to as a Project/Program Planning Guide (PPG), a COBCP is required for every capital outlay project proposed for inclusion in the Governor’s Budget. The COBCP must define the problem, discuss alternatives and recommend a solution, which is defined as the proposed project.
References: SUAM, Section 6620​​; SAM, Section 6818

Capital Outlay Fund for Public Higher Education (COFPHE) 

A funding source for capital outlay projects which derives money from tidelands oil revenues.

Reference: Education Code, Section 66100-66103​​

Capital Outlay Program (COP) 

The first year, or action year, of the Capital Improvement Program. A the September Board of Trustees meeting each year, the board adopts the COP after the presentation of a draft COP at the July meeting.​​

Capital Planning, Design and Construction (CPDC) 

Within the CSU Chancellor’s Office division of Business & Finance, the department responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Five-Year Plan and policies related to campus planning and development.

Capital Renewal Program 

Typically refers to a special repair project with a 15- to 20-year life and about $1 million (but not exceeding $1 million), such as roofs, HVAC. The Capital Renewal Program provides systematically for the renewal of infrastructure and facilities past the subsystems' maintenance. See also Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects​

Reference: Executive Order 757

Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) 

A unit used to compare emissions of various greenhouse gases (GHG). Different gases have different capacities to absorb energy and contribute to the warming of the atmosphere.​

Carbon Neutrality 

The goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions through a combination of emission-reduction measures and carbon offsets to compensate for unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.​

Carbon Offsets 

Quantified greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions made to offset emissions made elsewhere. These can be purchased by entities to comply with mandatory emissions reduction targets set by government entities or voluntary emissions reduction targets, such as carbon-neutrality goals set by many CSU campuses.​

Census Date 

The day official enrollment is taken for the CSU. It is the close of the third week of classes at quarter campuses and the close of the fourth week at semester campuses.​​

Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Review 

A review of project plans and/or project construction prior to punch list by an inspector certified by the Division of the State Architect to assess the project’s ability to satisfy all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act​ and regulations for accessibility per the current edition of the C.C.R., Title24, California Building Standards Code​.

Change Orders (CO) 

Formal revisions made to the construction contract to reflect modifications made to the plans and/or specifications. Because the plans and specifications are incorporated into the formal construction contract between the contractor and the state, a change made to these documents is a change in the contract. The analysis and preparation of change orders require some design/construction expertise. Change orders are funded from the contingency line item.

References: SUAM 6559, 6563​

Chaptered Bill 

The California Secretary of State assigns an Assembly or Senate bill a number known as the chapter number. The Governor then approves, signs, dates and deposits the bill with the Secretary of State. This copy is the official record and law of the state.​​


A cost-recovery mechanism within the CSU in which self-support, auxiliar  and external organizations are charged for services and campus resources consumed by these entities, such as utilities from campus-operated central plants.​


Capital Improvement Program​​

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 

National Center for Education Statistics publication​ that​ classifies instructional programs by standard terminology for curriculum and instruction in local and state school systems and postsecondary institutions.


Lecture halls, recitation rooms, seminar rooms and other rooms used primarily for scheduled nonlaboratory instruction.​​

Climate Action Plan 

A document that assesses an entity’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and provides a comprehensive roadmap of specific actions that can be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a specified level.​​

Climate Adaptation 

Also known as climate change adaptation. A term referring to plans or measures taken to prepare for the expected impacts of climate change. Climate adaptation focuses on identifying expected impacts and measures that can be taken to reduce the vulnerability of critical systems, infrastructure and communities to these impacts.​​

Climate Resilience 

The capacity of a socioecological system to absorb stresses, maintain function in the face of climate impacts, adapt, and evolve in order to thrive in new climatic conditions.​​

Climate Zones (CZ) 

The California Energy Code established 16 climat​e zones​ for maintaining energy-efficient performance in buildings.​​


Chancellor’s Office (The Office of the Chancellor of the California State University)​​. Also refers to Change Orders.


The use of energy generation infrastructure to simultaneously generate electricity and useful heat and/or cooling from a single fuel source. Several CSU campuses have large on-campus cogeneration facilities that produce the majority of their consumed electricity.​

Collaborative Design-Build (CBD) 

A delivery method that's a hybrid of the Construction Manager at Risk and Collaborative Design-Build methods. CBD consists of a Phase 1 agreement in which the owner and Design Builder collaborate to develop a set of Design-Build documents and a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) based on those documents and a Phase 2 Design-Build agreement as a product of the scope and GMP developed in Phase 1. 

• A/E: The A/E is a sub-consultant to the Contractor.

• DB Contractor: The contractor acts as the Design-Builder, with the A/E as a service provider to the contractor.

• Project Procurement: The owner awards a Phase 1 service agreement for design and preconstruction as a product of a best value selection of a Design-Build team, and, after approval of scope and GMP, awards a Phase 2 agreement for the completion of design and construction.​

College Year (CY) 

Includes enrollments for summer, fall, winter and spring.​

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) 

A system that allows cities, counties and other government entities to aggregate the buying power of individual customers within a defined jurisdiction in order to secure alternative energy supply contracts on a communitywide basis. Community Choice Aggregations provide customers within the defined jurisdiction an alternative to energy supplied by Investor Owned Utilities.​​


A process to break down and “recycle” organic matter into natural fertilizer and soil amendment using microbes and worms.​​

Constructability Review 

A review of the project construction documents by an independent third party (apart from the project architect/design team) for completeness and clarity of the documents and the ability of a competent contractor to build the public improvement based on the documents prior to bidding. 


Construct or construction, when used in connection with a capital outlay project, shall include all such related items as fixtures, installed equipment (commonly referred to as Group I equipment), and auxiliary facilities.

Construction is also a reference term for that portion of a project’s appropriation intended to fund construction activities, including the construction contract, contract services (contract management fees), and contingency.​​

Reference: SUAM, 6560

Construction (Close-Out) Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which the construction contract and activities are complete. The close-out process begins when the contract is awarded and ends when the Certificate of Completion form and Release of Retention are signed and retention is paid to the contractor.

Construction Administrator 

The person delegated by the CSU Board of Trustees to manage the construction phase of the project and who is authorized to approve changes to the contract.

Construction Contingency Funds 

Funds included in the construction appropriation calculated as a percentage of the basic construction cost. These funds are budgeted to cover any unforeseen construction contract change order costs that occur during the construction phase. 

Construction Documents (CD) 

Written and graphic documents prepared to define the project for regulatory approvals, construction purposes, and, depending on the delivery method, pricing.​

Construction Inspector of Record 

The Inspector of Record on the project site who receives technical direction from the design professional and administrative direction from the construction administrator. 

Reference: SUAM XII, Section 9785​

Construction Manager at Risk 

A delivery method in which services of a construction manager (CM), a licensed contractor, are used to provide preconstruction services (Phase 1) to inform the design and a separate construction contract (Phase 2) to deliver the project. The design team develops the construction documents with the information provided by the owner and the CM at phase 1. The construction manager will commit to a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) that is developed throughout Phase 1. 

• A/E: The owner will execute service agreement(s) with design entity/entities to develop the construction documents as well as well as provide construction contract administration services during the construction phase.  There is no contractual relationship between the design team and the CM. 

• CM: The owner will execute a preconstruction services agreement with the CM for the Phase 1, including cost management, detailed estimating, constructability reviews, and scheduling during the design phases of the project as described in the Request for Proposals (RFP). The owner may execute a separate construction agreement with the CM for the construction phase (Phase 2).

• Construction Procurement: The Phase 2 will incorporate the developed GMP for the agreed scope, schedule, and cost of the construction work.  The CM shall commit to the GMP for the agreed scope, schedule, and cost of the construction work.

Ref: SUAM Section XII: 9701.08​

Construction Stage 

The Construction Phase of a project refers to project activities that take place after a notice to proceed has been issued to the constructor based on a completed set of Working Drawings. When early construction packages are started prior to the completion of 100% Working Drawings, the project milestone shall not be changed to Construction until completion of 100% Working Drawings.

Contingency Fee 

The component of a project’s appropriation that is reserved for unexpected costs, such as change orders to a contract. Construction contingency funds are included in the construction appropriation.

Construction contingency, when used in connection with a capital outlay project, is defined as a prescribed percentage of construction costs (contract amount) which is to be budgeted for unforeseen emergencies or design shortfalls that may occur once a construction project has commenced. All construction contingencies shall be limited to 5 percent of the construction bid for a new facility and 7 percent of the construction bid for remodeling projects.​

Reference: SUAM 6564

Continuing Education (Extended Education) 

Courses that are offered outside of the traditional degree programs. These programs are self-supporting and include summer sessions.  Also called extended education. and professional development.

Contract Management Fees (CM Fees) 

That portion of a project’s overall cost associated with management and supervision of a construction contract.​

Core Natural Gas Account 

​Smaller residential and commercial accounts typically not curtailed if there is a supply disruption. These accounts tend to pay more per unit than alternative non-core accounts.

Course Level 

The level of work assigned or performed as part of a course, meaning lower-division, upper-division or graduate level.​

Credit Unit 

A measure describing coursework at institutions of higher learning. The term unit means a semester unit. Semester units may be converted to quarter units by multiplying by a factor of 1.5.​​

CSU Deputy Building Official 

Under the direction of the CSU Senior Building Official, a deputy building official in the Office of the Chancellor (University Architect) who is responsible to provide systemwide support to campuses as it relates to administration of Code compliance. The CSU Senior Building Official shall retain the final responsibility for the enforcement, overall administration, and operational control of the building code; see also Building Official. In the event of an absence or vacancy of the Senior Building Official, the Senior Building Official may delegate to the Deputy Building Official the role as the Interim CSU Senior Building Official​.

CY Main Campus Projected Enrollment 

The main campus annualized FTE (Full-time Equivalent) planning estimates for fall, winter, spring and summer approved by the department of Institutional Research and Analyses at the Chancellor's Office. CY refers to "College Year."
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Deferred Maintenance 

When routine maintenance is delayed or does not occur.

Department of Finance (DOF) 

As staff to the Governor, the Department of Finance provides the assistance required for the analysis, coordination and evaluation of agency proposals and for the preparation of the budget document in accordance with the decisions and policies of the Governor.

The DOF is responsible for administration of approved budgets to ensure that expenditure of public funds is legal and follows legislative policy and intent.​​​

Department of General Services (DGS) 

The DGS serves as business manager for the state of California. General Services provides a variety of services to state agencies through procurement and acquisition solutions; real estate management and design; environmentally friendly transportation; professional printing, design and web services; administrative hearings; legal services; building standards; oversight of structural safety, fire/life safety; accessibility for the design and construction of K-12 public schools and community colleges; essential services buildings; and funding for school construction.​​

Design Development (DD) 

​Phase within design during which documents are further refined from schematics.

Design-Bid-Build (DBB) 

The traditional method of project delivery involving linear design, bidding and construction phases. Project construction documents are developed first by a design entity. Documents are competitively bid and the project is awarded to the contractor with the lowest price who is prequalified, responsive and responsible. 

• A/E: The owner will execute the service agreement(s) with the design entity/entities to develop the construction documents as well as provide construction contract administration services during the construction phase. There is no contractual relationship between the design team and the contractor. 

• Contractor: A separate construction agreement will be executed with the successful bidder (contractor).

• Construction Procurement (Bid): The bids will be based solely on what is depicted in the contract documents, including any addenda. All bidders shall receive the same information at the same time.​

Design-Build (DB) 

A delivery method in which the owner awards a single agreement for design and construction after selecting a project solution through a best value project competition in the Design-Build delivery method.

• A/E: The owner will not have a direct contractual relationship with the design team and therefore less control over the design. The design team and contractor have a direct contractual relationship. 

• The owner may execute separate agreements with separate professional service providers to develop criteria, standards or bridging documents prior to the design competition.

• The owner may execute separate agreements with separate professional service providers to provide advisory services such as review of project and submittals on behalf of the owner.

• DB Contractor: A single design and construction agreement will be executed with the successful Design-Build team. 

• Project Procurement: Project is selected through best value competition that satisfies the requirement of the project Request for Proposals.   

Reference: SUAM Section XII: 9701.07​​

Direct Access Service (DAS) 

A retail electric service where customers purchase electricity from a competitive Electric Service Provider (ESP) instead of a regulated electric utility. The utility delivers the electricity the customer purchases from the ESP over its distribution system.​​


A major field of study, such as agriculture, fine arts, education, engineering and psychology.​​

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) 

A generic term for customer-owned, behind-the-meter energy assets such as battery energy storage, thermal energy storage, fuel cells, photovoltaic installations, cogeneration systems, and demand response systems.​​

Division of State Architect (DSA) 

Entity within the California Department of General Services responsible for issuance of written approval stating that plans and specifications comply with the intent of Government Code Title 1, Division 5, Chapter 7. DSA is also the enforcing agency for Essential Service Buildings.​

Dormitory Revenue Fund (DRF) 

Funds acquired via student fees and used to build and/or maintain student housing, parking facilities, student union, and bookstores. The DRF has two components: the dormitory fund and the parking fund.​​


Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise​​

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Earned Full-Time Equivalent 

Full-time Equivalents (FTES) enrolled in classes that do not require lecture or laboratory type space on campus or are taught off-campus (e.g., student teaching, nursing, etc.). Physical education classes and agricultural field classes are examples of courses taught in noncapacity spaces. Also called “earned or other FTE.”​

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) 

An admissions and retention program for low-income undergraduate students who are disadvantaged because of economic and/or educational background. Education Opportunity Program (EOP) ​serves California residents who do not meet regular admission criteria as well as those who meet regular admission criteria but who need additional academic and financial assistance.​​

Efficiency Ratio 

On the cost guide, each “type of project” has its own cost per GSF. The campus calculates the space entitlement in ASF. GSF is the (outer wall to outer wall) size of the facility. See SUAM 9200.17 and 9200.15, section 9 for ASF and GSF definitions.
The ASF/GSF efficiency ration indicates the ratio of assignable area to gross are that would be applicable for different types of projects.
The efficiency ratio is used to convert the ASF calculated to GSF:
22,500 ASF in Engineering should have 30,000 GSF with an efficiency ratio of 75%

22,500 (ASF) = 75%
    X (GSF)
22,500 (ASF) = 75% *  X (GSF)
22,500 (ASF) = X (GSF)
          30,000 = X GSF

Electric Service Provider (ESP) 

A non-utility entity that offers electric generation service to customers within the service territory of an electric utility.​​


All Budget Act appropriations carry a date by which they must be committed, tied-up (encumbered) by contract; and expended. Failure to encumber by the specified period and, subsequently to be expended by a later specified period, will result in the reversion of funds.​​

Energy Information System (EIS) 

Performance monitoring software, data acquisition hardware, and communication systems used to store, analyze and display building energy data.​

Energy Management System (EMS) 

Various techniques or procedures used to monitor and control the use of energy in order to ensure the efficient, responsible use of resources.​​

Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 

The measure of annual energy use in a building, per square foot. EUI allows comparison of energy use between buildings of different size. A lower EUI signifies better building energy performance.​​

Engineering News Record (ENR) 

An annual publication that indicates the current and future construction cost index; generally utilized as a construction level cost projected to a future date, e.g., ENR 4440. The index used is a 20-city average of various elements used in a typical construction project. 


Headcount, Total, Estimated, Target, Benchmark, Projected.
Headcount – The actual number of students; a total count of the student body.
Total – Headcount of all students, measured yearly on the consensus date, which is the third week of classes for campuses on a quarter system and the fourth week for semester campuses.​​

Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 

A detailed report indicating potential environmental impacts associated with a capital project. See also California Environmental Quality Act​ (CEQA)


Executive Order​​


Equipment Pricing Index​​


Equipment when associated with a capital outlay project shall include Group I and Group II equipment.

Group I equipment is defined as built-in equipment, i​nstalled as part of the construction project. Examples of Group I items include science lab benches, fume hoods, distilled water systems, wind tunnels, and theater rigging. Included in Group I are the program-specific built-in items. The cost of Group I items are identified on the Cost Estimate sheet (Form PPD 2-7).

Group II equipment also is program-specific, but generally is movable and does not require significant utility connections. Group II items are not a part of the construction contract and are budgeted in a separate, usually supplemental, budget phase. Group II equipment examples include tables, chairs, microscopes, hand-held electric tools, computers, and cameras.

The major capital construction program cannot be used to replace Group II equipment except in major renovations or remodel programs where it can be demonstrated that the equipment is to be used to equip a new program intended to occupy the remodeled spaces or in instances where technology changes require new equipment to satisfy curricular needs.

Funding sources for replacement or repair of Group I or Group II items are the special repair budget or program-specific operating budgets except when it is budgeted as a part of a minor capital improvement project.

See also: Group I Equipment, Group II Equipment
Reference: SUAM Section X, 9226​

Errors & Omissions (E&O) 

Errors are attributed to changes to the work due to incorrect information depicted in the construction documents and the timing that the error was discovered. Omissions are elements of work that were not represented in the construction documents at the time of the bid. 

Reference: SUAM Section XI: 9236​​

Essential Service Building 

Any building, including buildings designed and constructed, for public agencies use, or designed to be used, or any building a portion of which is used or designed to be used, as a fire station, police station, emergency operations center, California Highway Patrol office, Sheriff's office, or emergency communication dispatch center (including antenna, towers, poles utilized by state agencies of essential services communications). Division of State Architect is the enforcing agency for Essential Service Buildings.​

Executive Order 

Provides direction regarding various procedural requirements; issued from various sources including: Governor, Chancellor, Department of Finance, etc.​


The amount of money spent for implementation of various components (P, W, C and E) and subcomponents (soils, survey, A&E fees, CM fees, etc.) of a capital project; expenditures must not exceed the level of funds allocated for a particular project component and may not be used to fund a project component other than that for which it was appropriated, e.g., P, W, or E money may not be used to supplement a construction contract, etc.​
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Feasibility Study 

Also called a Technical Feasibliity Review. This review, which will consider both engineering and environmental factors, is to determine whether the proposed project can be built and whether the proposed solution is both cost-effective and will adequately accomplish its stated objectives.

If it is determined that the Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP) is incomplete or that the project per se is not technically feasible or will not accomplish its objectives, the project will be either: 
1) withdrawn from the proposed budget year program, or
2) returned to the department for modification and resubmittal for reconsideration in the proposed budget year program. 

The purpose of this review is to ensure that the design process can proceed immediately upon approval of the Governor’s Budget and that approved projects can be accomplished within the timeframe and budget established.​​

Financing and Treasury Department 

The state department responsible for budgeting and administering funds for the support of the CSU.​​

Five-Year Plan 

The CSU five-year plan for capital outlay; the first year of this program is the Capital Outlay Program.​

Five-Year Program 

The basic purpose of the five-year program is to present a picture of where the department is today, where it plans to be in five years, and why changes must be made over the next five years. As overall supporting information, the program must also include a mission statement of the department.

At a minimum, the five-year program must address the following issues: 
  • location information, usually a map showing the total statewide operation and individual maps identifying each specific project included in the five-year plan
  • brief descriptions of each project proposed for inclusion in the five-year period
  • current total estimated project costs, including all design and construction work for each project proposed for inclusion in the five-year period
  • projected annual maintenance costs for each project proposed for inclusion in the five-year period
Special emphasis must be given to explaining why the existing operation must be modified over the next five years. This narrative should cover current conditions, future assumptions and issues embodied in the plan, and how needs were assessed.

It is expected that reference will be made to the California Department of Finance (DOF) or other approved organization statistics and projections and to changes in the laws and codes of the state.

Reference: SUAM 6630


Refers to Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) or Full Time Equivalent Faculty​ (FTEF).

FTE Capacity 

The number of Full Time Equvalent Students that can be accommodated for instruction in the campus lecture and laboratory classrooms. FTE capacity is obtained by multiplying the student stations in lecture and laboratory classrooms by the appropriated factor(s).​​


Full Time Equivalent Faculty​​

Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) 

The theoretical number of faculty allocated to a campus based on a full load of a given number of units. The sum of the position fractions of individual faculty members. For example, two part-time faculty working half-time comprise one full-time equivalent faculty. See also Adjusted FTEF​​

Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) 

The theoretical number of students for which a campus constructs capacity. A FTES is a student taking classes totaling 15 units of credit per week or any combination of students and units totaling 15 units of credit.

A unit of measure equal to 15 semester or quarter units per term. FTE is reached by dividing total semester or quarter hours by 15.​

Full-Time Graduate 

A graduate student taking nine or more units.

Full-Time Undergraduate 

An undergraduate student taking 12 or more units.

Fund Source 

A three-digit numeric identification number assigned by the Department of Finance to reference a particular source of funds. Fund source references for capital outlay include:

525 High Technology Education Revenue Bond Fund
660 Public Buildings Construction Fund
705 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1992
736 Higher Education Construction Program Bond Act of 1966
782 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1986
785 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
791 June 1990 Higher education Capital Outlay Bond Fund​​
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General Administration and General Expenses 

Expenses incurred by administrative offices that serve the entire university, such as executive administration, facilities management, business services, budget and planning, personnel management, risk management, legal services, and the operations of the administrative management information systems. 

General Fund 

A state fund deriving revenue from taxes for the purpose of funding or supporting state operations on an annual basis; not generally used to fund capital projects.​

General Fund Bond Debt 

Most of the bonds issued by the state are general obligation (GO) bonds. The General Fund makes debt payments on about three-quarters of these bonds. The remaining GO bonds (such as veterans housing bonds) are self-supporting and therefore do not require General Fund support.

The money in the General Fund comes primarily from state personal and corporate income tax and sales tax. GO bonds must be approved by the voters and are placed on the ballot by legislative action or by initiative.

The state also issues bonds known as lease-payment bonds. These bonds do not require voter approval. The state has used these bonds to fund capital outlay projects in higher education, to construct prisons, and to build state offices. The General Fund also makes debt payments on these bonds.

General Obligation Bond (GO Bond) 

Any method of providing financing, which is specifically approved by the voters as a ballot measure; usually provided for a specific purpose (e.g., higher education, prisons, and recreation facilities); G.O. Bond monies are exempt from the Gann limitations placed upon State expenditures.

See also: General Fund Bond Debt​​

General Use Rooms 

Includes areas characterized by a broad availability to faculty, students, staff, or the public, such as auditoriums, museums and galleries, recital rooms, and little theaters. This category also includes service areas, which support the activities of these facilities.​​

GHG Inventory 

​A greenhouse gas inventory is an accounting of all GHG emissions associated with an entity such as a CSU campus. Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions is a necessary step to assess progress towards greenhouse gas reduction goals and develop a climate action plan.

Global Warming Potential (GWP) 

​A measure of the potency of a greenhouse gas. Methane, for example, is 20 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Governor's Budget 

The Governor’s Budget​ and related Budget Bill are presented annually to the California Legislature on January 10. Following the formal submission of the Budget, the Legislative Analyst's Office ​(LAO) prepares its analysis of the projects included in the Budget Bill. 

The results of this analysis are usually published by mid-February. Using the findings of the LAO, the Legislature then conducts formal hearings involving the LAO, Department of Finance and department and agency, if appropriate. 

Based on the outcome of these hearings, the Legislature revises the Budget Bill (Senate and Assembly versions). A conference committee is held to resolve any differences between the Senate and Assembly bills and a single bill is passed by both houses to the Governor. After exercising the rights of the line-item veto, the Governor signs this bill. The final product is referred to as the Budget Act.

References: SUAM 6675​; Californ​ia Department of Finance Budget Process​

Governor's Budget Responsibilities 

Article IV of the State Constitution​ requires the Governor to submit to the Legislature at each annual session, a budget containing a complete plan and itemized statement of all proposed expenditures by the state provided by law or recommended by him/her and estimates of all revenues for the ensuing fiscal year. In addition, if the proposed expenditures for the next fiscal year exceed the available revenues, the Governor is required to recommend the sources from which the necessary additional funds are to be provided.​

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) 

Any gas that absorbs and emits infrared radiation (heat) in the atmosphere, contributing to the warming of the Earth’s surface, known as the greenhouse effect. These include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Emissions of these GHGs are regulated by California’s climate change legislation, such as AB 32.​

Gross Square Feet (GSF) 

Gross square feet or footage is the outside measurement of a facility or structure usually expressed in square feet.

Group I Equipment 

Equipment provided as part of the construction process and is fixed within a building, e.g., laboratory benches, workstations, reception desks, kilns, etc. See also Equipment​​

Group II Equipment 

Movable equipment that is generally funded separately from the construction appropriation and is placed within the building prior to occupancy, such as furniture, laboratory instruments, computers. See also Equipment​

Old ENR   * old Group II cost = new Group II cost per square feet

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The actual number of students; a total count of the student body.​​

Health and Safety Code (HSC) 

​California's guidelines​ pertaining to all matters relating to health and safety for the state's residents. 

Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) 

A classification system (taxonomy) that is uniform throughout the U.S. and Canada and provides a comparative method of identifying disciplines and majors.​

Hi-tech Bonds 

A method of providing “special purpose” capital financing. See also Petris Bonds​​


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning​​
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Index of Growth 

A measure designed to evaluate change and growth in the CSU. In this measure, the base year is standardized to 100 percent for each segment. The base year index is then derived by dividing the segment’s total enrollment by itself and then multiplying by 100, yielding an index of 100. The index for subsequent years is derived by dividing that year’s total enrollment by the base year’s enrollment and multiplying by 100, yielding an increase or decrease in the index scales.​​


The facilities, equipment and installations needed for the functioning of a system.​

Instructional Level 

Lower division: Traditionally the first two years of undergraduate study and primarily consisting of general education courses and introductory courses in major fields of study
Upper division:  Traditionally covers the last two years of undergraduate study and primarily consists of advanced courses in a student’s major field of study.
Graduate: Consists primarily of work taken at a post-baccalaureate level concentrating on the acquisition of a master’s degree. 
See also Course Level​

Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) 

A shareholder-owned utility service company regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Unlike municipal utilities, these are not publicly owned.​​

Item Number 

A numeric identification within the Budget Act that identifies the user agency, the purpose for which an appropriation is made, the fund source, and the specific project/purpose for the appropriation. 

For example: 6610-301-146(1)

6610 = The California State University 
310 = Capital Outlay 
146 = COFPHE fund account

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Job Order Contract (JOC) 

​A delivery method utilizing an annual contract with a prequalified contractor to accomplish minor capital outlay maintenance, repair or improvement projects by utilizing a construction task catalog for pricing.  
• A/E: When required, the owner will execute separate service agreement(s) with the design entity/entities to develop the construction documents as well as provide construction contract administration services during the construction phase.    
• Contractor: The owner will notify the contractor of a project, solicit and evaluate the proposal response and will issue a Job Order if acceptable.
• Construction Procurement: Each job order is limited to the minor capital threshold.

Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) 

The JLBC consists of chairpersons of the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Senate Appropriations Committee, and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. The JLBC conducts special inquiries and makes decisions for the Legislature in areas of state operations, including capital outlay. Various government sections require involvement of the JLBC in the approval process, for example, Section 13333.11(f), which relates to the cost and scope of a project.
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Room characterized by special purpose equipment or a specific room configuration that ties instructional activities in a particular discipline or a closely related group of disciplines. Laboratories are divided into three categories:  teaching, open and research laboratories.

Teaching laboratory – Used for scheduled instruction
Open laboratory – Supports instruction but is not formally scheduled and includes self-instruction computer laboratories
Research laboratory – Used for research, experimentation, or structured creative activity

Laboratory service areas also are included in this category.​​

Lease-Revenue Bonds 

See General Fund Bond Debt​

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) 

The Legislative Analyst is appointed by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC). The LAO, under the direction of the Legislative Analyst, does not participate in the preparation of the Budget, but prepares the detailed analysis of the Budget Bill for the Legislature. 

Office representatives are present at committee hearings to explain their recommendations and provide additional information on the budget. The LAO performs continuous review of approved budgets, makes recommendations and keeps the Legislature advised on the overall budget process.

Staff to the State Legislature and JLBC are charged with reviewing budget and expenditure requests and making recommendations regarding levels of appropriations.​


Campus service facilities with books and periodical collections and other formats, as well as access to information via networks, all in support of the CSU mission. Also includes stacks, study rooms, carrels, processing rooms, and service areas that support activities in a library.​​

Liquidation Period 

The two-year period after funds expire, regardless of the term of initial availability.​

Low-Carbon Fuel 

Transportation fuels with lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional petroleum-based fuels such as gasoline and diesel. These include both alternative fuels such as biodiesel, ethanol and hydrogen, as well as “cleaner” fossil fuels such as natural gas. California enacted the first low-carbon fuel standard in 2007, aimed at reducing GHG emissions from the transportation sector.​


See Course Level​​
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Master Enabling Agreement (MEA) 

These agreements support the strategic sourcing efforts of the CSU by combining common requirements for specified goods and/or services. This enables the CSU to avoid redundant solicitations and contracts, maximize volume discounts, and reduce administrative costs. 

Each CSU Master Enabling Agreement may have unique conditions for its use. These conditions may include: the extent to which competition requirements have or have not been satisfied, the naming of parties that may place orders against the CSU Master Enabling Agreement, and/or instructions on how to place an order. The requirements for using any particular MEA shall be established during the contracting process and communicated to campuses after execution on the CSU contract website.​

Master Plan 

Also called an Academic Master Plan or Physical Master Plan​​. The Physical Master Plan is the Board of Trustees-approved physical guide to the development of a campus at a predetermined enrollment ceiling.

Master Plan Revision (MPR) 

The process by which a campus physical master plan is amended. There are two procedures for revising a Master Plan: Major Master Plan Revision and Minor Master Plan Revision. See also Master Planning​.

Master Planning 

As it pertains to the campus level, master planning guides the growth and development of campus toward a predetermined size. The physical capacity size of each campus is expressed in terms of full-time equivalent students (FTES). The process of master planning is continuous to be responsive to incremental FTE growth, evolving disciplines and technological changes in the Academic Master Plan. Decisions on the Master Plans are made only after careful consideration of a diverse set of variables or elements.

Any definitions of physical master planning would address the following issues:
  • Campus boundaries
  • Acquisition of available adjacent parcels to accommodate FTE needs, land use and open spaces (including physical education activities)
  • Location of current and future buildings, state- and nonstate-funded
  • Housing
  • Circulation and traffic: vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, handicap, deliveries public transit
  • Noise
  • Parking
  • Building(s) shapes
  • Floor-area ratios, sizes, bulking and relationships
  • Areas of potential development by others
  • Utility systems (networks) and energy management systems
  • Capacity/expansion plans
  • Condition of existing facilities and capability to expand to serve projected FTE
  • Location of service (current/future) and capability to expand to serve projected FTE
  • Landscaping and vegetation
  • Public safety
  • Historical preservation
  • Signage
  • Building materials, paint colors, and design criteria for buildings
  • Incremental growth
  • Physical constraints of the campus property affecting future development (e.g., geological, seismic, etc.)​
Note: The list above is not comprehensive or ranked in importance.


Minority-owned Business Enterprise​

Mechanical Review Board (MRB) 

A Mechanical Systems Review (MSR) is required for all major capital projects, both state- and non-state funded, within the CSU system.

Campuses may select any Mechanical Review Board member to perform the project MSR. While the MSR is provided as an advisory to the campus, MSR letters of concurrence are required during the schematic and the construction document phases of the design. 

To gain full benefit of this review, campuses are encouraged to consider the campus-selected MRB reviewer as an extension of their staff.​​

Mechanical Systems Review (MSR) 

A Mechanical Systems Review is required for all major capital projects, both state- and non-state-funded, within the CSU system.​​

Minor Capital Outlay (MCO) 

Construction project for which the estimated total project cost is $1,103,000 or less. Typically limited to the betterment of academic facilities, including improvements to comply with regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Maintenance Management System​​​

Mode Choice 

Mode of transport chosen by commuters in a transportation analysis. These modes include single-occupancy vehicle (SOV), carpool, public transit, bicycle and walking.​

Mode Shift 

Change in transportation mode among commuters.​​


Memorandum of Understanding​​
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Notice of Determination​​


Notice of Exemption​​

Noncore Account 

Noncore natural gas accounts are larger commercial and industrial accounts that consume larger quantities of natural gas and receive a lower unit cost. In exchange for this lower unit cost these accounts can be curtailed and/or penalized during a supply disruption.​​

Non-State Facility 

A project or program not directly funded by state funds, for example enterprise programs such as housing, parking, student unions, health centers, continuing education, and auxiliary organizations. IRS regulations and restrictions regarding private use pertain to all non-state and auxiliary organization facilities, as well as state facilities, which have tax-exempt bond financing, such as Systemwide Revenue Bonds.

Non-Streamlined Projects (301) 

These projects require Department of Finance approval of allocation of funds for each phase and PWB approval of 100 percent preliminary plans.
WC: The project has three years to encumber and two years to liquidate.
C: The project needs to proceed to bid within the first year; two years to encumber and two years to liquidate.​
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Office of Energy Assessment, a department within the California Department of General Services (DGS)​​.

Off-Campus Instruction 

Classes scheduled in off-campus facilities, known primarily as off-campus centers.​​

Office of General Counsel (OGC) 

Chancellor's Office department that provides legal assistance to the Trustees, Chancellor and campuses. The OGC must sign off on all construction and A&E contracts unless authority to enter into a contract has been specifically delegated to another party (e.g., campus president) by executive order.


Includes individual, multi-person and workstation space specifically assigned to the academic, administrative and service functions of a campus. This category also includes conference rooms and rooms that directly serve an office or group of offices as an extension of the activities in those rooms. ​

Off-Site FTES 

Academic Year FTES provided through TV or internet, K-12, other worksites, other non-CSU locations, other distance learning, on-site and off-site other earned FTES.  Should be consistent with practice and plans to provide Academic Year FTES through new technologies and other means that do not require state-supported, campus facilities. (Per enrollment planning worksheet from Academic Affairs)​​


Office of Governmental Affairs​​

On-Site FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) 

On-site noncapacity FTES includes independent study and physical education offered outdoors.

Operation and Maintenance of Plant 

Administration, supervision, operation, maintenance of the institution’s physical plant, such as janitorial and utility services, repairs, care of grounds, maintenance and operation of building and other plant facilities, security, environmental safety, hazardous waste disposal, insurance, facility planning and management, central receiving, allocable share of fringe benefit costs, depreciation and use allowances, and interest costs.​​


Office of Real Estate and Design​


Office of the State Architect​​

Other FTE 

See Earned Full-Time Equivalent

Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) 

The Board of Trustees established a CSU Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) to be used on all projects with a construction cost estimate greater than $10 million. OCIP requirements are included in the following CSU Contract General Conditions for Major Projects: Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Collaborative Design-Build, Construction Manager at Risk with Guaranteed Maximum Price, and Auxiliary Design-Bid-Build. 

Campus staff must review Article 4.07, Insurance Requirements, contained in the Supplementary General Conditions, and select the appropriate language for the project. Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. is the administrator of this program.​

Owner's Project Requirements (OPR) 

Document prepared by the campus outlining the environmental and energy requirements of a project.​
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Permeable Pavement 

Any type of paving that allows for infiltration of storm water into the ground, reducing surface runoff and pollutants entering waterways.​

Petris Bonds 

Jargon for specific legislation authored by Senator Petris which permits the sale of “special purpose” bonds to fund specific types of higher education facilities. Currently, there are two types of bonds:  

1. Public Buildings Construction Fund (for libraries)
2. High Technology Education Revenue Bond Fund (for specific types of high-tech buildings.​ 

Also relates to Library Bonds, Liquidation Bonds

Photovoltaic (PV) 

Devices that generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process.​

Physical Master Plan 

The Board of Trustees-approved physical guide to the development of a campus at a predetermined enrollment ceiling. Every CSU campus has a Physical Master Plan. All capital projects must be consistent with the Physical Master Plan. See also Master Plan Revision​


Pooled Money Investment Board​


Physical Planning and Development. See also Capital Planning, Design and Construction​​ (CPDC)




Project-Related Expense​​

Preliminary Plans (PP) 

The preliminary project plans as prepared by the Project Architect/Engineer. The preliminary plan defines the components of the project, including cost to meet program objectives, and develops the previously approved schematic drawings.

This is the initial planning phase in preparing the contract documents. These documents are developed from the information contained in the budget package. Typically, the preliminary plans are developed in two distinct steps referred to as schematics and design development, the major difference being the amount of detail shown on the plans. 

This two-step process allows the client agency and designing Architect/Engineer to interact before the design is developed in detail to ensure there is mutual understanding of the design objectives and limitations. 

The final documents, which result from the preliminary plan phase, include a site plan, architectural floor plans, elevations, outline specifications, and a cost estimate. For each utility, site development, conversion and remodeling project, the drawings shall be sufficiently descriptive to accurately convey the location, scope cost, and the nature of the improvement being proposed. 

This phase starts with the approval of a Form 22 for Preliminary Plan Funds by the California Department of Finance (DOF). The phase ends when the DOF approves a Form 22 for Working Drawing Funds.

Reference: SUAM 6571​​


The CSU Chancellor's Office Construction Management unit within the Department of Capital Planning, Design and Construction, manages the prequalification of bidders for construction projects on all 23 campuses. 

Prequalification of bidders is required for all projects with construction budgets exceeding the value of a minor capital outlay project; or when project bid documents specify that bidders must prequalify with the CSU Board of Trustees in order to bid the project.

For these projects, contractors shall register and log in to PlanetBids to apply for prequalification. The online application must be submitted and received no later than 10 business days prior to bid opening, unless the project bid documents specify an earlier deadline.​


The chief executive officer of a campus. The president reports to the CSU Board of Trustees through the chancellor.​

Private Activity Usage 

Any arrangement with a commercial entity, an unrelated (to the CSU) nonprofit organization or the U.S. government for the right to use a facility or any preferential treatment or recognition which includes ownership, leases, management, special legal entitlement, or special economic benefit.

Private Use 

A use of a building (directly or indirectly) in a trade or business carried on by any person other than a governmental unit, including by ownership, lease, management, special legal entitlement, or special economic benefit. Tax-exempt bonds have restrictions on private-use for facilities financed.​

Process Mapping 

An activity that studies methods and means and is used to administer an operational or functional area and develop recommendations on how to improve the operating efficiency and effectiveness of the area of study.​​

Program Justification 

A detailed description of the nature of the program requested and detailed information demonstrating the need for the project. See also COBCP. 

Project Architect 

The private architectural firm commissioned to prepare preliminary plans, working drawings, and to provide construction-level architectural review; can equally apply to Project Engineer.​​

Project Close-Out Milestone Stage 

Milestone in which project is officially closed out per requirements of CSU policy. This milestone is established to assist campuses in examining the project costs compared to approved budget and funding.

Project Specifications 

One of the components of the construction documents prepared by the design team. It defines the contractual requirements for products, materials, workmanship, and testing as well as administrative and performance of a project. ​

Public Works Board (PWB)  

Also referred to as SPWB (State Public Works Board). The state organization overseeing all construction and land acquisition proposals. The PWB’s function is to ensure that individual projects are implemented in a manner consistent with legislative intent.

Government Code (Section 15770) creates the State Public Works Board consisting of the Directors of Finance, Transportation, and General Services, three members of the Senate, and three members of the Assembly. When the issuance of revenue bonds or other issuance of bonds is considered, the State Treasurer and the State Controller are members of the Board.

Duties of the SPWB:
• Provides procedural safeguards to ensure that projects are completed efficiently, safely and economically
• Meets as necessary to carry out the purposes of reviewing and making decisions on projects for construction, improvements and land acquisitions.
• Approves preliminary plans for all major capital projects before preceding to the next phase.

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Quarter System 

Three 10-week sessions that comprise the academic year.
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Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) 

Renewable Energy Credits or Certificates are tradeable commodities representing proof of generation of a certain amount of renewable energy. The owner of these credits can claim credit for the renewable energy produced. RECs can be used to obtain renewable energy in situations where on-site renewable power generation is difficult or impossible.​​


Any modification to existing space that changes the use of the space as to function, capacity or quality. Typical renovations include demolition of existing partitions and/or construction of new partitions and initial installation of carpeting and movable partitions.
Renovation projects are considered capital outlay projects.

Reference: SUAM 6521​

Repair Project 

Considered a cost of conducting currently authorized business, include, these projects include, but are not limited to, repainting a facility, re-roofing projects, electrical rewiring, plumbing repairs, replacing old equipment items, and road repairs.​​

Request for Proposal (RFP) 

A document that specifies the objective(s) of a proposed project and solicits consultants to provide cost proposals for the desired work or for the procurement of a commodity, service or asset through a competitive bidding process.​​​​

Residence Hall 

Campus facility in which students reside. Often called dormitories or dorms.​

Resolution of the Trustees Capital Planning Buildings and Grounds 

A resolution provided by this Board of Trustees committee for each item on the comittee's agenda​. Also referred to as RCPB&G, RCPBG and RTCPBG.


A process to reduce an existing building’s energy use by identifying inefficient building systems and making improvements to increase efficiency.​​

Revenue Bonds 

Bond that are paid back from the CSU support budget.


The term and process used to return funds, which were allocated but were not used; the process, which happens automatically if appropriated funds are:  1) not encumbered prior to the specified period made available for their use; or 2) not fully expended prior to the expiration of the appropriation’s availability.

Funds revert means the funds go away, everything goes away. Fund remaining in an appropriation at the end of the liquidation period are automatically returned (reverted) to the source appropriation. Reversion of funds may occur prior to the expiration period by Public Works action or by legislation.​

Reverting Funds 

Any unused funds of an appropriation that revert back to the funding source, typically two years after the last day of an appropriation's availability period.

Review Approvals 

Provisions in state statutes require that the P and W for certain types of projects be reviewed and approved by special control agencies prior to bidding. Control agencies include the State Fire Marshal, the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, the Structural Safety Section of Office of the State Architect (OSA), and the Access Compliance Section of OSA. Review approvals are mandatory.

Reference: SUAM 6570​
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Schematic Design (SD) 

Drawings and outline specifications showing the relationship of the project to the site, establishes the functional relationships, and identifies materials considered and types of systems, including structures.​

Schematic Plans 

Also called schematics, these are the initial-concept plans prepared by a project architect for a capital project. Schematic plans allow the review of the project architect’s proposal for siting, bulking, architectural style, room/use adjacencies, etc., and includes outline specifications and budget estimate.

Schematic documents are the architectural/engineering plans prepared as an initial effort during the preliminary plan phase. They depict the designer’s initial solution to the client agency’s stated capital outlay needs. These plans are continuously developed until they become the contract documents.

Reference: SUAM 6574​​


The program as it relates to size, shape, assigned program space or physical characteristics of a capital project. Project scope is typically determined by the Legislature and published in the Supplemental Report of the Budget Act prepared by the Legislative Analyst's Office. If used as an acronym, SCOPE stands for State Capital Outlay Program Evaluation.

Reference:  SUAM 6575​

Scope 1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Emissions produced on-site through the generation of energy or other combustion of fuel. This includes on-campus cogeneration facilities and vehicle emissions from campus fleets. These emissions are included in the CSU’s system wide GHG inventories and emissions reduction goals.​​

Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Indirect emissions associated with the generation of energy purchased and imported by the campus. These emissions are included in the CSU’s system wide GHG inventories and emissions reduction goals.​​

Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Other indirect sources of GHG emissions that are not captured in Scope 2. While the CSU’s systemwide GHG reduction goals do not include Scope 3 emissions, the Second Nature Climate Commitments signed by the majority of CSU campuses include the following indirect sources of GHG emissions in their Scope 3 inventories: commuter and business travel, waste generated in operations, and purchased goods and services.​

Scope Change 

A scope change involves revising the approved project program. No change may be made to preliminary plans or working drawings as approved by the State Public Works Board and the Department of Finance without first receiving written approval by the Department of Finance (DOF; Government Code Section 13332.11). 

Changes in program space, increases or decreases in capacity-related areas, and architectural design changes which will result in increased costs must be approved by the DOF prior to commencing work on the changes to working drawings or preliminary plans. If changes are made, the DOF may require notification to the Legislature and request approval of revised preliminary plans by the Public Works Board.

Scope Visit 

Project evaluation and scope determination. The California Department of Finance may schedule scope visits or conferences to evaluate and clarify Capital Outlay Budget Chance Proposals. Participants in these conferences include representatives of the agency concerned, the Department of General Services, the Legislative Analyst's Office, and the Department of Finance. The purpose of the scope conference is to provide a common understanding among all parties as to the scope of the proposed project(s).

Reference: SUAM 6650​


Society of College and University Planners​

Seismic Review Board (SRB) 

The 1992-93 Budget Act provided for seismic reviews of CSU facilities​. To assist in the process of implementing the technical program, a Seismic Review Board (SRB) was formed by the CSU Chancellor's Office Division of Physical Planning and Development to advise the CSU on the conduct of its seismic review program. 

The SRB is made up of seven distinguished earthquake engineers. They have met numerous times and individual SRB members have visited every CSU campuses. The focus of the seismic safety program is to identify and mitigate high life safety risks​.

Reference: RCPB&G 05-93-13 as listed in the CSU Seismic Requirements

Seismic Safety Peer Review (SPR) 

As per the CSU Board of Trustees' policy on seismic safety, university projects require seismic peer review. A member of the CSU Seismic Review Board shall perform the Seismic Safety Peer Review. In the event of disputes over interpretation of the Trustees' seismic safety policy, the full CSU Seismic Review Board shall make a final determination under the authority of the university building official.

Reference: SUAM Section XI: 9232​, RCPB&G 05-93-13​​​ as listed in the CSU Seismic Requirements

Seismic Survey 

Reference to a 1981 study conducted by the State Seismic Safety Commission, “Seismic Hazard Survey of State of California Buildings.”​​


The on-site energy generation capacity of CSU campuses from cogeneration, on-site renewable energy and other sources.​

Semester System 

Two 15-week sessions that comprise the academic year. Thirteen CSU campuses are on semester systems. CSU Stanislaus has two 13-week semesters and a month-long winter term.​​


Space and Facilities Database​​


State Fire Marshal​. Also, OSFM (Office of State Fire Marshal).


Student-Faculty Ratio​​

Site Certification 

The Land Use Planning review of the planning of new facilities. This document has a description and map of the site, and, if any items of record would adversely affect the site, how they were mitigated or would not adversely affect sale of revenue bonds. The document is signed by an attorney from the CSU Office of General Counsel and submitted to state Department of Finance and Treasury.

References: SUAM Section II: 9011, Section III: 9017.01, Section VII: 9119​

Site Clearance 

Campus-side review of the planning of new facilities. Document has a description and map of the site, and discloses items of record that would adversely affect the project.

Ref: SUAM Section III: 9017.01​

Space and Facilities Database 

The official file of facilities for all campuses, which indicates various rooms/spaces, uses. The SFDB does not include corridors, toilet/rest rooms, or other nonassignable spaces.​​

Special Account for Capital Outlay (SAFCO) 

A fund source derived from Tidelands Oil revenues. Not generally used to fund UC/CSU capital projects but may fund Special Repair/Deferred Maintenance.​​

Special Repairs 

State operations include all equipment items (regardless of dollar amount) that are to replace existing equipment; all equipment not included in the complement necessary for initial operation of a specific construction project; and all repair projects. Such repair projects, regardless of dollar amount, shall be budgeted in the Operating Expenses and Equipment portion of the Summary of Object subobject of “special repairs.” Recurring maintenance will be included in the Operating Expenses and Equipment line item of ‘facilities operations.’

Examples of special repair projects include, but are not limited to, repainting a facility; re-roofing projects; electrical re-wiring; plumbing repairs; dredging of river or stream beds (to restore original flow capacity); replacing old equipment items (air conditioners, etc.); and road repairs.

Special Repair funds are, by definition, major projects that are required to bring a campus component back to an operating condition.  However, CSU practice, in recognition of the needs of new technology and changing instructional conditions, has been to use reasonable campus discretion in the use of these funds. Within general guidelines and subject to post-audit, emphasis may be on classroom repair and enhancement, or technology, using campus equipment funds or Minor Capital Outlay funds for the enhancement portion of the contract.

Special Repair/Deferred Maintenance categories are:
• Capital Renewal and Replacement which includes renovation projects necessary to maintain the institutional mission (to be addressed through the State and Nonstate Funded Capital Outlay Programs);
• Deferred Maintenance which includes the backlog of those Capital Renewal and Replacement projects that remain unfunded; and
• Special Repair that includes repair projects that cannot await the Capital Renewal and Replacement funding cycle because of the nature or severity of the projects.

Ref:  SUAM 6521​

Special Use Rooms 

Includes rooms specialized in their primary function, activity, or design, such as physical education, military science, animal quarters, and greenhouses. This category also includes locker rooms, service areas, and other rooms that directly serve the activities of the specialized function.​

Specifications (specs) 

See: Project Specifications​​


State Public Works Board​

Standard of Care 

Term is not legally defined, however it is the ordinary and reasonable degree of care required of a prudent professional under the circumstances.​

State Administrative Manual (SAM) 

A reference for statewide management policy. ​

State Fire Marshal 

State agency having authority over fire and panic safety compliance of CSU projects.

References: SUAM 92​​32, HSC 13143, HSC 13108 (c)​​

State University Administrative Manual (SUAM) 

A California State University administrative and procedural manual that specifies the rules and regulations for the processing of state activities.​​

Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) 

A document or narrative describing the qualifications of a respondent to a request for qualifications.​

Station Occupancy Percent 

The percentage of student stations (for example, tables, computer workstations or laboratory stations) that are occupied during hours that rooms are scheduled for classes.​​

Storm Water Prevention Plan (SWPP) 

Plan during construction to keep storm water pollution to a minimum.

Streamlined Project 

It is best to assume a 3-1/2-year timetable for design and completion of construction to allow a safe leeway. All construction expenditures should be completed six months prior to the end of the fourth year to allow for potential stop notice resolutions, retention, clearance through campus accounting offices, etc.

Rule of thumb: 
Project size: $15 million or less
PW & Bidding X months C 18 months

Project size: $15 million or more
PW & Bidding X months C 24 months​

Student Credit Units/Hours 

The amount of credit a student is given for completing a class during a semester or quarter. In a typical lecture class, the number of units is equal to the number of class hours per week. A three-unit class will meet 45 hours during a 15-week semester. Classes will be scheduled to meet once, twice or three times per week, depending on the number of credit units.​​

Student Level 

Determined by the number of accumulated semester or quarter credit hours.

Freshman – A student with fewer than 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours.

Sophomore – A student with 30 to fewer than 60 semester hours or 45 to fewer than 90 quarter hours.

Junior – A student with 60 to fewer than 90 semester hours or 90 to fewer than 135 quarter hours.

Senior – A student with 90 or more semester hours or 135 or more quarter hours.

Postbaccalaureate – A student who holds a baccalaureate or its equivalent and is not enrolled in a graduate degree program. A student pursuing a second baccalaureate is categorized as a postbaccalaureate student.

Graduate – A student who holds a baccalaureate or its equivalent and has been enrolled in a graduate degree program.​

Student-Faculty Ratio 

The ratio of FTES (Full-time Equivalent Students) to FTEF (Full-time Equivalent Faculty. The basis for determining the required number of faculty offices. See also Full-Time Equivalent Students and Full-Time Equivalent Faculty​

Summer Session 

Classes offered in the summer under the auspices of the campus Extended Education offices. Courses are designed for students working on their degree or who want to enroll in a course for professional advancement or personal enrichment.​​

Supervised Instruction 

The activities of individual students outside the usual classroom setting under the generalized supervision of an instructor who is responsible for evaluating and grading the student’s performance.​

Supplemental Language 

Language (narrative) that is adopted by the Legislature describing a capital project (scope) and identifies a project’s timing, phasing, etc., or other issues requiring response to the Legislature by the sponsoring agency/department.​​

Support Space 

Includes computer rooms, maintenance and equipment repair shops, storage, and warehouse space.​​

Systemwide Revenue Bond (SRB) 

​Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) are issued by the Board of Trustees as a source of financing for academic facilities renewal and capital improvement projects. Operating funds are set aside and approved by the Board of Trustees to service the debt on SRB long-term financing, or on an interim basis, commercial paper (CP) or other short-term financing. SRB bond proceeds can be either tax-exempt or taxable.​

​Reference: SUAM 9026.3, Financing and Debt Management Policy​

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Target Enrollment 

Includes all full-time equvalients (FTE), main campus, off-campus centers, other off-campus offerings, and what Physical Planning and Development calls “other earned.” Target enrollment is a comprehensive total of all FTE generated used for purposes of support budget funding, primarily for the faculty positions that instruct the courses without regard to where or how the course is offered.​

Task Order Construction Agreement (TO-CA) 

A delivery method used for performing multiple projects as individual tasks under a single master enabling agreement (MEA). Each task can be executed either as a Construction Manager at Risk (CM TO-CA) or Collaborative Design-Build (CDB TO-CA) delivery. 

Collaborative Design-Build:

A/E – CDB TO-CA: The owner will issue task orders for design and preconstruction services to the contractor (Phase 1): 

A/E – CDB TO-CA: The owner will issue task orders for design and preconstruction services to the contractor (Phase 1),  The A/E is under contract to the contractor/design builder

Contractor – CDB TO-CA: Upon completion of Phase 1 services and owner may issue the TO-CA construction agreement (Phase 2) to the design builder.

Construction Manager at Risk:

A/E – CM TO-CA: The owner will execute design service agreement(s) directly with a design entity to develop the construction documents for each project.  A service agreement to the design entity, outside of the MEA, and task order for services to the contractor and should be executed simultaneously.

Contractor – CM TO-CA: The owner will issue task orders for preconstruction services (Phase 1), and after approval of scope and GMP, the construction agreement (phase 2). 

Project Procurement: An MEA is awarded to a contractor/Design Builder as a product of a best value selection. TO-CA is a three-year contract with a limit of $30,000,000 total maximum budget cost for all projects, including all design and preconstruction services.​

Task Order Service Agreement (TOSA) 

​Agreement used for design services with the limit of $400,000 total amount of agreement and limited to one year.

Tax-Exempt Bond Financing 

​A debt obligation which is exempt from federal income taxation, based on meeting certain restrictions by the Internal Revenue Service. Interest rates on tax-exempt bonds are generally considerably lower than interest rates on comparable taxable obligations.

Telecommunications Infrastructure Model Guidelines (TIP) 

A list of guidelines regarding telecommunication infrastructure systems incorporated into the schematic design phase of project plan developments.

Reference: SUAM Section XI: 9233​

Term FTE 

A measurement of full-time equivalent students. It is equivalent to 15 semester or quarter units per term.​​

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) 

Thermal Energy Storage systems use lower-cost energy t​o heat or cool a medium for use at a later, higher0cost period of time, lowering overall utility expenditures.

Title IX 

Title IX​ of the ​Education Amendments Act of 1972, a federal law, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that receives federal financial assistance.​

Total Enrollment 

Headcount of all students, measured yearly on the consensus date, which is the third week of classes for campuses on a quarter system and the fourth week for semester campuses.​​

Transportation Demand Management 

Studies used to support parking demand analysis  which is measured in accordance with the campus Transportation Demand Management Plan. This requirement is in accordance with Education Code Section 89701 (4), which requires a throrough investigation of programs incorporating alternate modes of transportation in order to demonstrate that parking demand is justified.

Reference: Education Code 89701 (​4); SUAM Section VII: 9119​

Transportation Network Company 

A company that uses an online-enabled platform to connect passengers with drivers using their personal, non-commercial vehicles.


The prime (combustion) and secondary (steam) movers (equipment) in cogeneration systems.​
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Undergraduate Student 

A freshman, sophomore, junior or senior; a person who has not yet completed the requirements to earn a bachelor’s degree.​

Unspecified Power 

Electricity not specifically claimed by a utility in their annual Power Content Label. This category includes spot market purchases, wholesale power purchases, and purchases from pools of electricity where the original source of fuel cannot be determined.

Usable Acreage 

Campus land that is historically capable of being developed. Excludes land for agricultural uses.​


Utilization is measured by determining the average number of hours per week that stations in a given category of space are used by scheduled course sections, whether or not the course sections are of the same type of instruction as the room itself (i.e., a lecture course taught in a laboratory space adds to the average use of laboratory stations, despite the fact that the course is not a laboratory course).

The extract of the Space and Facilities Planning Database used in utilization reports converts all space use codes of temporary space to a space use code of “temporary” and is reported on the charts. No space with a temporary use code is included in the calculations of the utilization parameters for classrooms or class laboratories. The inclusion of a temporary space classification allows for a more accurate indication of the use of space.​
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​Volatility is a measure of the dispersion of prices for essential purchases like natural gas or electricity over time. Volatility refers to the amount of uncertainty or risk related to the size of changes in a product's price.​
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Women-owned Business Enterprise​​​​​​​

Weighted Average 

2 people weigh 100 lbs = 20% of 10
3 people weigh 200 lbs = 30% of 10
5 people weigh 300 lbs = 50% of 10
10  total # of people

weighted average    = (0.2 * 100) + (0.3 * 200) + (0.5 * 300)
 = 20 + 60 + 150
 = 230​​

Working Drawings (W or WD) 

​The construction plans for a project as prepared by the Project Architect or Engineer. This is the final design phase in preparing the contract documents. The documents resulting from this phase include a complete set of plans and specifications and final cost estimated (dated) showing and describing all elements of the project (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, and landscaping) to the degree necessary for the purposes of accurate bidding by contractors and for the use of artisans in constructing the project. This phase starts with the approval of Form 22 for Working Drawing Phase Funds by the Department of Finance. The phase ends with the award of the construction contract.

Reference: SAM 6852
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Zero Net Energy (ZNE) 

​Generally speaking, a Zero Net Energy building is one that produces as much energy as it consumes over the course of a year. Zero Net Energy-ready buildings are designed to be highly efficient and capable of achieving ZNE status with the addition of renewable energy.
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