
Public-Private Partnership:

After final approval of the project by the Board of Trustees as described in Stage 6, agreements can be executed in full and construction can commence. By this stage, the campus or auxiliary organization will ​have completed the following.

A. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Mitigation measures included in CEQA compliance documents shall be implemented during the design and construction of Public Private Partnership projects.​

B. Plan Review

A CSU plan review is required prior to issuance of a permit at the campus by the deputy building official. Authorization may need to be obtained from the local government on transfer of entitlement and building official responsibilities to CSU for auxiliary organization properties. Campus inspection oversight will be provided by the campus deputy building official.

The ground lease tenant will pay the CSU a development fee in the amount of 1.5 percent (one-and-one-half percent) of all hard and soft construction costs (not including financing costs) to reimburse the university for CSU review for compliance with CSU seismic requirements, construction code requirements, California Buildings Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, title 24), inspection by the CSU and the State Fire Marshal for fire code compliance, and CSU coordination.