CPDC 2-7: Project Budget
The CPDC 2-7 is the COBCP form used to communicate comprehensive budget information for the proposed project. The form is designed to be utilized at all project milestone phases, including at the initial budget phase.
This form is submitted to the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst’s Office when seeking approval of proposed Capital Outlay Projects.
The components of the CPDC 2-7 are:
General Project Information
This includes the type of project, title, delivery type, and milestone phase. The architect and contractor are not selected at this point, so those two sections are to be left blank.
The project milestones identified in the CPDC 2-7 should be identified and updated to reflect the proposed schedule. This is important as it will help the campus identify escalation and insurance costs for the project.
California Construction Cost Index/Equipment Price Index
The California Construction Cost Index (CCCI) is a method for benchmarking project costs. This allows for clear identification of the point in which the project’s cost data was developed.
Assignable Square Feet/Gross Square Feet
The assignable (ASF) and gross square feet (GSF) are included to allow for the calculation of building efficiency (ASF/GSF = building efficiency) and dollars per square foot.
Direct Costs
This section of the CPDC 2-7 logs the direct cost of construction, organized in Uniformat. The information here may come from the CSU Cost Guide or the feasibility study.
General Conditions/Construction Manager Fees
The General Conditions (GCs) or Construction Manager (CM) fees are displayed and calculated depending on the selected delivery method of the project.
Design Fees
The design fees are auto-populated depending on the selected delivery method and project type. The fees are established in Exhibit B, and is further explained in Stage 4: Design.
Permitting and Additional Services
Some permitting costs and additional services, such as Mechanical Review Board and Seismic Peer Review, are auto-populated based on current master enabling agreements. Others are to be inputted by the campus.
Insurance Costs
The projected insurance costs are generated in the CPDC 2-7 depending on the cost of the project, the duration of construction, and the building materials used. Additional information regarding CSU construction insurance is available in Stage 5: Construction.
Group II/Equipment
The estimated cost for moveable furniture and equipment should be included in the project budget. This number may come from either the CSU Cost Guide or the feasibility study. Additional information regarding Group II/Equipment can be found in Stage 6: Equipment.