
Academic Project:

Stage 3: Programming

As discussed in Stage 2: Master Plan/CEQA, the approved Physical Master Plan is the overall planning guide for campus development. Every CSU campus maintains a proposed schedule for implementation of projects over a five-year period in a document called the Five-Y​ear Capital Outlay Plan (PDF)

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This stage of the Project Center will cover how to prepare project programs for inclusion in the Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan​, including determ​ining need, establishing project budgets, and securing funding. The five-year plans for all 23 campuses are compiled into a single document and presented annually at a meeting of the Board of Trustees for approval each September.

Once the Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan is approved by the trustees, it is then submitted to the California Department of Finance (DOF) and the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO).

If You Miss the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting for Approval of Your Academic Project

You have two options to submit your project for approval:

Building projects listed in the Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan shall be included on t​he approved Physical Master Plan for the campus. If a proposed project is not master-planned, a minor or major master plan revision must be submitted to your campus-assigned CPDC planner and approved prior to the project being included in the five-year plan.

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