When official America sins, she sins doubly; against her victims, and against her own traditions, ideals, and rhetoric." David Caute, historian, 1978
Lori Clune earned her Ph.D. at UC Davis and joined the Fresno State History Department in 2010. A scholar of the Cold War, Clune is a diplomatic historian who explores domestic instances that impacted U.S. foreign policy. Her book, Executing the Rosenbergs: Death and Diplomacy in a Cold War World (Oxford University Press, April 2016), studies global reaction to the 1953 execution of atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Using nine hundred previously hidden State Department documents, Clune tells the story of dissent in forty-eight countries, turning a quintessentially American story into a global one. For her next project, Clune, recipient of the Promising New Faculty award, is turning to graphic history to tell the story of the Korean War.