Edward Himelblau, Ph.D.

Distinguished Teaching Award, 2017-2018
San Luis Obispo
Department of Biological Sciences

New students in biology too often settle for FAMILIARITY with the material.  Success requires FLUENCY and I try to help my students find strategies to reach that goal.

Professor Ed Himelblau teaches about DNA, genetics, and plants.  He helps his students learn to think like geneticists and understand the central role genetics plays in the history and future of agriculture, medicine, and biological research.  Himelblau is also a cartoonist (www.himelblog.com) and he and his students draw to learn about important concepts in biology.​

Himelblau is a founder of the Cal Poly Learn-By-Doing Lab in which Cal Poly STEM majors teach hands-on science to visiting 5th – 8th graders.  The Learn-By-Doing Lab has provided introductory teaching experiences to hundreds of Cal Poly Students and exposure to science on campus for about 20,000 local kids.