Like the modern urban spaces described by historian Christine Stansell, the learning environments I strive to create are "liminal zones... uniquely equipped to launch idealistic young people [of all ages] across the boundaries" of race, class, and gender.
A Professor of History, Eve Kornfeld earned her B.A. at Princeton University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in History at Harvard University. Professionally, she has taught in Harvard’s History and Literature concentration; Princeton’s History and European Cultural Studies departments; and SDSU’s History, MALAS, Honors, and Arts Alive Collaborative programs. Her teaching and scholarship are interdisciplinary, transnational, polyphonic, and informed by post-colonial, post-structural, gender and critical race theory.
As a first-generation college graduate herself, Professor Kornfeld delights in opening doors for her students and inviting them to transform their lives through education. She is also deeply committed to introducing interdisciplinary perspectives, polyphonic narratives, and active learning pedagogies to future and current K-12 teachers.