A native speaker of American Sign Language, Amy June Rowley is an activist who encourages her students to be involved. She requires that each upper division student in ASL perform community service that emphasizes ASL outside of classroom so they can give back. Amy, herself, is active with the Parodi Charitable Trust, which funds activities related to deaf students, she volunteers at her local public school, and she serves as Chair of the ASL Teachers Association Evaluation and Certification Committee. The Association honored Amy in 2015 with its "Alan B. Barwiolek Award."
Amy is also recognized nationally as an individual who has been part of the struggle for equal access to education since her childhood (Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley) and she continues to advocate vigorously today. "Each year I watch how much my students grow from their involvement in the Deaf Community. All of this continues to be rewarding and I am proud to be an example of a good community member for my students and my family."