
Alumni Council

As the representative voice of the CSU’s four million global alumni, the Council plays an active role in helping to shape CSU policy and participating in strategic decision-making.

Members of the Alumni Council meet regularly with CSU leaders and participate on systemwide committees to ensure that alumni are represented. The Alumni Council designates a representative to the following:

  • The CSU Board of Trustees
  • The System Budget Advisory Committee
  • The California State Student Association
  • The Academic Senate of the CSU

In addition:

  • The Alumni Council president and members of the Executive Committee meet the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor to discuss CSU priorities and the Alumni Council’s efforts to promote and protect the interests of the CSU.
  • The Alumni Council president or the president’s designee is a member of the selection committee for the CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement.​

The Alumni Council convened a special committee to explore challenges and opportunities and to develop recommendations to increase the level of meaningful alumni-student engagement in support of student success. The written report with the committee’s findings is now available​.

Meet the ALumni Council

The council is comprised of alumni directors and representatives from all 23 campuses and uses its combined resources to promote and engage the CSU and its alumni, advocate for the CSU and facilitate the professional development of member associations.

2024-25 Executive Committee

John Poli

John Poli 
Pomona, ‘93;
San Bernardino, ‘06

Jeremy Addis-Mills

Adrian Harrell
Stanislaus, ’98

Jeremy Addis-Mills

Jeremy Addis-Mills
Immediate Past President
San Marcos, ’07

Larry L. Adamson

Larry L. ​Adamson
Alumni Trustee
Los Angeles ‘74

Verne Wagner

Verne Wagner
Fullerton ‘77

Sedrick Spencer

Sedrick Spencer
San Bernardino, ‘91/‘96

Joseph Huang

Joseph Huang
Member at Large
Sonoma, ‘02/’04/‘18

Crystal Wymer-Lucero

Crystal Wymer-Lucero
Alumni Director Representative
San Bernardino, ‘07


Felicia Hernandez
Programs Committee Chair
Dominguez Hills, ‘13

Alumni Cou​ncil Board Members​

Sarah Hendrick
Director, Alumni Engagement
(661) 654-3370
Judy Snyder​
Channel Islands
Amanda Carpenter
Director, Career Development and Alumni Engagement
Dhruv​ Pandya

Shari Anderson
Director Alumni Engagement
(530) 898-6472
Ernesto Rivera
Dominguez Hills
Felicia V. Hernandez
Director,  Alumni Relations
(310) 243-2237
Erick Garcia
East Bay
Krysi Riggs
Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Engagement
(530) 693-8712

Parker Rugeley
Jacqui K. Glasener
Executive Director, Alumni Association
(559) 278-2586
John Gomes
Bill Cole
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Engagement
(657) 278-4733
Verne Wagner
Stephanie Lane
Director, Alumni Relations
(707) 826-5467
Dan Sealy
Long Beach
Noemi Guevara
Director, Alumni Engagement
(562) 985-7536
Marisol Barajas
Los Angeles
Maria Ubago
Executive Director, Alumni Relations
(323) 343-ALUM
Sandra Flores
Maritime Academy
Domini Maffei Schmid
Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Relations
(707) 654-1299

Sean Connelly
Monterey Bay
Vincent LoForti
Director, Alumni and Donor Relations
(831) 582-3302
Israel Nery
Christina Mena
Director, Alumni Relations and Engagement
(818) 677-7849
Gene Detchemendy
Melissa Riordan
Executive Director, Alumni & External Relations
(909) 869-5010
Alex Hsu​
Jennifer Barber
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations & Annual Giving
(916) 278-3634
Mariana Sabeniano

San Bernardino
Crystal Wymer-Lucero​
Director, Alumni Relations
(909) 537-3084
Sedrick Spencer
San Diego
Stephanie Dathe
Executive Director, SDSU Alumni
(619) 594-0213
Chiloh Baty
San Francisco
Nicole Lange
Associate Vice President, Alumni Relations & University Engagement
(415) 405-4078
Anita Pepper
San José
Justin Gerboc
Senior Director of Alumni Engagement
(408) 924-1446
John Gibbs
San Luis Obispo
Jennifer Fanni​ng
Senior Director of Alumni Engagement
(805) 756-7872
Kraig Scheyer
San Marcos
Lori Brockett
Associate Vice President, Alumni Engagement & University Events
(760) 750-4405
Cipriano Vargas​
Tiffany O’Neil
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving
(707) 664-3203
Joseph Huang
Tiffany Davis
Director of Alumni Engagement
(209) 667-3131
Natalie Dykzeul

Liaisons to the CSU Alumni Council​
California State Student Association: Tara Al-Rehani​​, VP for Systemwide Affairs, CSSA​
Academic Senate CSU: Betsy Boyd, Chair, ASCSU
Vice Presidents for Advancement Council: Vacant

Alumni Council Liaisons to Partners Organizations
California State Student Association: Cipriano Vargas
Academic Senate CSU: Jeremy Addis-Mills
​System Budget Advisory Committee:  Gene Detchemendy​