

STEM-NET, HSI-Hub Overview

​Dissemination Plan

​To develop a centralized hub to (i) disseminate best practices of the CSU U.S. Department of Education (ED)-funded Title III, Part F HSI-STEM Articulation Program projects, based at the CSU Office of the Chancellor within the STEM-NET consortium, and (ii) broker ideas, stimulate debate, and offer creative yet practical solutions to tackle the most pressing problems in STEM education. STEM-NET is a multicampus consortium working with all 23 CSU campuses and in all areas of STEM research and education, and will coordinate these efforts. 


  • To facilitate the spread of knowledge and associated evidence-based interventions on a wide scale across the CSU system.
  • To distribute information and intervention materials to targeted audience(s).
  • To enable access to best practices of decision makers in the CSU.
  • To transform scientific evidence for its use in practice. 

STEM-NET will coordinate with all funded funded USDE projects to: 

  • ​Share best and promising practices across all CSU institutions. 
  • Support and facilitate the sustainability of HSI-STEM practices.
  • Initiative and sustain multi-dimensional conversations pertaining to Hispanic/Latinx/e student success, inlcuding transfer students. 
  • Build and expand partnerships for the implementation work needed for the future.

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Participating Institutions ​

To learn more about the STEM-NET, CSU HSIs, partnering with our consortium​.​

Collabora​tive Engagement

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HSI-Hub Logic Model​​​

The HSI-Hub logic model is an outline for what the hub intends to accomplish in the upcoming years and how the dissemination of best practices is approached for systemwide.​

Logic Model​

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HSI-Hub Activities​​​

The HSI-Hub has a number of programs and activities that are directly in alignment with our objectives and our awardee's grant and program priorities. 


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HSI-Hub Webinar Series

Join us for our upcoming workshops, trainings, and webinars carefully tailored for ​our HSI-Hub participants. ​

Upcoming Events​

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HSI-Hub Upd​ates ​

You want to learn more about what the HSI-Hub has to offer?​ You can get the most recent quarterly updates from the hub and more information on here.​

Hub Updates

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HSI-Hub ​Resour​​ces ​​

There are many resources from data to readily accessible materials you can access to learn more about HSIs and the role that the CSUs have in it​.

Hub Resources​​​