Zahra Shine

​Humboldt State University
James Key Scholar

I engage in my education to the best of my abilities because I feel responsible to be as informed, skilled, and knowledgeable as possible."


Zahra Shine endured homelessness, her parent’s divorce and the compounding effects of their mental health issues. Fortunately, Zahra’s mother instilled a love for reading that blossomed into a valuable tool for selfeducation and healing. Fulfilling her dreams of helping others, Zahra is starting her graduate program in psychology at Humboldt State.

Zahra earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and was named a Presidential Scholar at Humboldt State. She also helped at-risk students, battered spouses and the families of the deceased through her volunteer work at elementary and middle schools, a domestic violence shelter and as a hospice grief counselor.

Keenly aware of the burden mental health issues can place upon families, Zahra hopes to become a marriage and family therapist and eventually earn a Ph.D. so she can contribute to the understanding of mental health.