
Natalie So
Natalie So

​California State University, ​Maritime Academy
William Randolph Hearst Scholar​


I had to fight for my ideas if I absolutely believed it was the right way to go.


Natalie So comes from a family of four, with her single mother supporting the aspirations of Natalie and her siblings to go as far as they can with their education. Natalie developed a passion for robotics in high school, which led her to major in mechanical engineering at Cal Maritime.

She has volunteered at food banks and during local elections as a poll worker. Natalie has also engaged in community service on campus. She is aware that she is in a male-dominated STEM field, and this fuels her drive and commitment to encourage other young women to pursue careers in STEM. After graduation, Natalie plans on a career in robotics.

Having overcome multiple and significant challenges, Natalie is positioned for continued ​success, academically and professionally.