
David Elliott

​San José State University​
Trustee William Hauck Scholar

David Elliott
I have found a path leading to a career that employs me in useful service to others.

​​In 2007, David Elliott was paroled from Folsom State Prison after a period of incarceration that resulted from a lifelong battle with drug addiction. Shortly after, he became homeless and lived at a shelter in San José. Fearing that he would turn to drugs again, he asked his parole officer for help and was placed into a drug treatment program.

Six years later, David is clean and sober and works for the program that helped save his life. As a chemical dependency technician, he assists people in some of their darkest times by supervising their medical detox and encouraging them to continue treatment. He is a student at San José State University with a 4.0 GPA majoring in social work.

All the work David does is an attempt to repay the second chance given to him. After graduation, he plans to pursue a master's degree in social work and work with youths who are involved with social services or the justice system.