
Trustee Emeritus William Hauck and Padget Kaiser
William Hauck

A distinguished alumnus of San José State University, Mr. Hauck graduated in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in social studies. He served as student body president and president of the California State College Student Presidents Association, a precursor to the California State Student Association.

William Hauck was first appointed to the CSU Board of Trustees in 1993 by Governor Pete Wilson, then re-appointed in 2000 by Governor Gray Davis and re-appointed again in 2008 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He served as chair of the board from 1998 to 2000.

Mr. Hauck’s long history of government leadership included service as chair of the California Constitutional Revision Commission, deputy chief of staff to Governor Pete Wilson and chief of staff to Assembly Speakers Bob Morretti and Willie L. Brown, Jr.

Mr. Hauck retired as president and chief executive of the California Business Roundtable, a statewide nonpartisan organization composed of chief executive officers of California’s leading corporations that effectively offer policy leadership on economic and business matters. Prior to joining the California Business Roundtable, Mr. Hauck served as executive vice president and major shareholder of Information for Public Affairs Inc., a national information services company known as State Net.

Friends and family celebrated William Hauck’s life with numerous contributions to the endowment fund he initiated with his wife, Padget Kaiser. In 2014, the CSU Foundation Board of Governors made a special appropriation in his memory to fully fund the endowment.