
City Scape

Drawdown EcoChallenge 2021

Want to challenge yourself to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and compete for a chance win a $25 campus bookstore gift card? Do you want to help crown your campus this year's "CSU Earth Month EcoChallenge Winner?"

Starting April 1st, join the CSU Earth Month Drawdown Ecochallenge to see how 30 days of action can add up to a lifetime of positive change for your campus community and the planet!

Earth Month Ecochallenge is an online educational platform that challenges you to take action on a variety of environmental and social issues to help you reduce your carbon footprint and create significant global change during the month of April. There over 100 actions in eight action categories to choose from with a range of difficulty and frequency levels. Throughout the event, Ecochallengers share their progress and reflect in the social feed, earn points for taking action, and watch the impact they make add up in real time!

How to Join the CSU E​arth Month EcoChallenge

Step 1: Follow these step-by-step instructions to join your campus' team

Step 2: Watch this short "Getting Started" video to learn how YOU can earn points

Step 3: Invite others to join your campus' team or skip to the dashboard to begin choosing your actions​

Tips for P​​articipating

  • Select actions that you can commit to throughout the challenge. Th​ere are plenty of actions to choose from, so find the actions that match your values, lifestyle, and passions.
  • Prepare for your actions. Have actions that require some prep? Take the time you need to prepare for success with your actions. Committing to vegetarian meals? Look up recipes and ingredients you'll need!
  • Complete your actions. Fulfill your actions, and check them off to collect your points. Simply log into your Dashboard, find the actions you've selected, and click on the circular button. Now you've collected your points!
  • Share your story. Inspire your team members and fellow Ecochallengers! Share your Ecochallenge journey on your Team feed or by using #CSUecochallenge hashtag on your social media posts of your actions. Observations, inspirations, lessons learned - all are welcome!

Top Eco-Challenge participants will receive:

- Bragging rights for your campus!

- Custom branded recycling bins from CleanRiver Recycling

- Personal gift valued at $25 (for top highest point earning individuals)​