
Filing a Residency Appeal

While there is no appeal process for the AB540 / AB2000 / SB68 exemption, a student may submit an online appeal of their residence classification within 30 days ONLY if the appeal meets the requirements outlined below.

Any student, following a final campus decision concerning the student’s residency determination, may appeal on​line to the Chancellor’s Office of the California State University within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the notification of the final campus decision.


Appeals will be accepted only if at least one of the following applies:

  1. a significant error of fact by the campus;
  2. a significant procedural error by the campus; or
  3. an incorrect application of law which, if corrected, would require that the student be reclassified as a California resident; and/or,

Significant new information, not previously known or available to the student, became available after the date of the campus decision classifying the student as a nonresident and based on the new information, the classification as a nonresident is incorrect.

A student must explain why the appeal meets one or more of the above appeal criteria and provide relevant supporting documentation.

For example, a “significant error of fact” could be demonstrated by stating that the campus incorrectly determined that a specific document, such as a driver’s license, was untimely and by providing a copy of the document establishing the error.

An appeal stating only “a significant error of fact” will be denied if there is no supporting documentation.

Similarly, an appeal will be rejected IF it:

  • is based solely on disagreement with the campus decision and does not meet the above criteria
  • is not within 30 calendar days
  • does not include the campus notification (denial letter) of the student’s final residency status and/or documentation that supports the basis of the appeal
  • is used to correct student errors (e.g., the student checked the incorrect box on the CSU Residency Questionnaire form)
  • is not submitted online. Students with a documented disability may contact residencyappeals@calstate.edu for assistance with submission.
  • contains attachments that are in a format other than PDF or Microsoft Word format or the appeal is submitted via email, fax, or U.S. mail

After the appeal is accepted for review, the California State University Chancellor’s Office requests information from the campus. The campus will provide the Chancellor’s Office residency appeals staff with a copy of the student’s file and any documents related to the denial of residency.

Final decision issued from the California State University Chancellor’s Office

Decisions regarding residency status for each term are issued from the Chancellor’s Office. These decisions are final, with no right to further appeal within the California State University system. Students must contact the campus for instructions on appeals for a subsequent term.

Instructions to Submit an Appeal:

How to File a Residency Appeal (PDF)