
Transfer Students

Transfer Acceptance
(*Census data from the previous year)

Terms for which transfers may enroll/apply:Fall and spring
Number of transfer applications received:22,039
Number of transfer applicants offered admission:17,163
Number of transfer applicants with an ADT (Associate Degree in Transfer) offered admission:1,604
Number of transfer applicants offered admission who enrolled:4,880
Percent of all new students who were transfers:41%

Application and Credit Transfer

Transfer admission websitehttps://admissions.fullerton.edu/prospective-students/transfer.html
Does your campus require a supplemental application?Yes
Supplemental application information: BS Nursing: https://nursing.fullerton.edu/programs/elfreshmen/admissionreq.html
MS Nursing: https://nursing.fullerton.edu/programs/rnbsn/index.html
BS/MS Integrated Computer Engineering: https://www.fullerton.edu/ecs/cpe/degrees/integrated/admission.php
Dance: Admittance into the major is by audition. The entrance audition also serves as the placement audition. https://www.fullerton.edu/arts/dance/students/auditions.php
Theatre: Admittance into the major is by audition. https://www.fullerton.edu/arts/theatre/students/admissions.php
Music: Admittance into the major is by audition. https://www.fullerton.edu/arts/music/students/auditions.php
Is full GE certification required as part of the admissions review process? No
For fall applications, do you consider January transfer academic history updates submitted through Cal State Apply? Yes - Optional
When will transfer students start to receive admission decisions? Notification date for transfer applicants:January for Fall Admits
October for Spring Admits
Dates Transfer Applicants Must Accept Offer of Admission By:5/1/2025 for Fall 2025
11/1/2025 for Spring 2026
Lowest Grade that may be transferred for credit:D
Minimum grade accepted for GE, aside from Golden FourD
For fall admission, provide the prior term Golden Four must be completed Spring
For spring admission, provide the prior term Golden Four must be completed Summer
Is summer coursework considered for fall admission? No
Is fall coursework considered for spring admission? No
When must the Associate Degree for Transfer be earned to be included in fall admission consideration?Spring prior to enrollment
When must the Associate Degree for Transfer be earned to be included in spring admission consideration?Summer prior to enrollment

Authorized Exceptions to GE-Breadth Requirements for Undergraduate Transfers

Major(s) for authorized exception to GE-Breadth:Engineering (Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical)
and Computer Science
Corresponding GE-Breadth Area:A3
Link to campus policy webpage for credit by exam (toward degree major)https://registrar.fullerton.edu/articulation-tc/?itemID=41ed-9a51-d31e155-3

Registration Order in Relation to Continuing Students

When is registration grouping for transfers with 60 semester (90 quarter) units? Early June
How is registration grouping for transfers with 60 semester (90 quarter) units? Randomized
Will campus consider or give priority registration to Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) students?No

Transcript, Verification and test score deadlines

Official Transcripts required prior to registration?Yes
AP/CLEP/IB Test scores required prior to registration?Yes
Fall final transcript deadlineJuly 15
Spring final transcript deadlineOctober 15
Email address to submit electronic transcriptsadmissions@fullerton.edu
Requires paper verification to accept full GE certification? No

Transfer Students

Transfer orientation dates for fall July
Transfer orientation dates for spring January
Orientation fees$150
Orientation deadline to registerJune 6, 2025 for Fall
January 3, 2025 for Spring
Statement of Intent to Register deadline for fall:May 1, 2025
Statement of Intent to Register deposit fee for fall:$250.00
Statement of Intent to Register deadline for spring:11/1/2025
Statement of Intent to Register deposit fee for spring:$250.00
Statment of Intent to Register website: https://admissions.fullerton.edu/newly-admitted-students/accept-offer.html
Are admission decisions made from self-reported information on Cal State Apply application?Yes

Data as of: 3/24/2025