Study Online

Can’t attend class on campus, but want to earn a degree or certificate? The CSU offers a variety of fully online and hybrid (a combination of online and face-to-face instruction) courses, giving PaCE students the flexibility they need to pursue their educational goals.

Degree Search

The CSU offers over 4,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

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Cal State Online

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Student Success Stories

Jenny Lam  

“CSU East Bay’s Online MS-HCA program allowed me to have the perfect work/school/life balance. The program gave me the opportunity to expand beyond my current career. For example, with my experience in healthcare management along with my MS-HCA degree, I was offered quite a few positions after the successful completion of the program. I believe this program helped me become a more well-rounded candidate who is well-received in various sectors of health care. To me, that’s priceless.”

— Jenny Lam, Master’s of Science in Health Care Administration (online), CSU East Bay