Questions About EOP

What is the function of EOP?
The primary goal of the CSU Educational Opportunity Program is to improve access of low-income, first generation and historically disadvantaged students with potential for academic success by making higher education a possibility. EOP provides a comprehensive program of support services which include, but are not limited to, recruitment, preadmission counseling, orientation, summer program, diagnostic testing, financial aid follow-up, special admissions, pre introductory instruction, academic advisement, tutoring, learning skill services, and personal, educational and career counseling.

What type of student does EOP look for?
EOP provides education access and opportunity for low-income and educationally disadvantaged students from California, the majority of whom are first-generation college students. An EOP student may be a special or regularly admissible student who has a low income and has the potential to perform satisfactorily in curricula offered by CSU, but who has not been able to realize his/her potential because of economic, educational or environmental background. Such students may be eligible for admission to a CSU campus through the Educational Opportunity Program.

What services are provided by EOP?
A comprehensive program of support services that include advising, learning skills development, tutoring, and academic advisement, the EOP provides educational opportunities to low income students who have been traditionally excluded from higher education. EOP can provide an EOP grant to students who are eligible for financial aid.

Who is eligible for EOP consideration?
The following eligibility criteria are specified in the CSU Educational Opportunity Programs Regulations and Guidelines. An EOP student:

  • Has a history of low family income.
  • Must be enrolled on a full-time basis. (Part-time attendance requires program director’s approval.)
  • Is an undergraduate.
  • Needs admission assistance as an exception admit, OR Meets regular admission requirements but in the opinion of EOP personnel will require a full range of assistance to succeed.
  • Has been nominated by an appropriate state agency, a California high school or community college, the Veterans Administration, a campus president, or a designee of the California State University.

Are only ethnic minority students admitted through EOP?
No. Any student who has a low income, may need academic assistance and meets other program admission criteria may be admitted through EOP. It is not an ethnically or race-based program.

May regularly admissible applicants be considered for EOP?
Yes. EOP can admit regularly admissible students if they require the full program of assistance offered by EOP in order to succeed in the university.

How do you apply for EOP?
Interested applicants should start by checking the appropriate EOP box on Cal State Apply.

Will a student who does not need financial aid still qualify for EOP?
Probably not. However, although low family income is a major consideration, the decision for admission is not made entirely on the basis of financial need. If the applicant is also academically underprepared, this and other factors will be taken into consideration.

Should students interested in EOP submit applications for admission to several CSU campuses?
Yes. Students should submit an application to the campus of their first choice. Applicants who are denied admission may request that their application materials be transferred to the second-choice campus.

If a student is denied admission through EOP, what happens next?
A student denied admission through EOP who 1) is academically eligible for regular admission as determined by the CSU eligibility index, is referred to the Admissions Office for regular admission, or 2) is not eligible for regular admission, may be referred to a community college to improve his or her skills, or the student may request that admission materials be forwarded to the EOP Office at the second-choice campus.

Do EOP applicants automatically qualify for an application fee waiver?
No. Applicants must demonstrate financial need to be considered for a fee waiver. Determination of eligibility is made by the Financial Aid Office based on a review of the applicant’s fee waiver application information.

Are EOP students automatically eligible for an EOP grant or other financial aid?
No. EOP students are eligible to receive an EOP grant if they qualify for financial aid, however they are not guaranteed to receive one. Students must complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other documents as required by the Financial Aid Office at the campus they have been admitted to.

Must students apply through EOP to be considered for financial assistance (grants, work/ study and loans)?
No. Applicants who submit the required documents to the campus Financial Aid office will be considered for financial aid if they are admitted to the university. Financial aid is awarded on the basis of individual need. However, EOP grants are available to EOP students only.

Do students in community college EOP’s programs automatically qualify for CSU’s Educational Opportunity Program?
No. They must submit an application and follow the same procedure as other applicants. However, special consideration will be given to EOP&S program students in an effort to enhance the transfer and graduation rates of these students.

Once a student is admitted to a California State University through EOP are counselors available during the summer to assist them in selecting and registering for classes?
Yes. Each Educational Opportunity Program also has an orientation program designed to introduce new students to the campus environment. This orientation includes an explanation of campus procedures and requirements. Students who have declared a major are also assisted by their respective academic department faculty advisers.

Is EOP able to accommodate all students who do not meet regular admission criteria?
No. Current CSU admission policy limits the number of students admitted as exceptions to a small percentage of the total number of undergraduate students admitted. EOP receives at least four times as many applicants as it is able to admit by exception.

How does EOP determine who will be accepted into the program?Students are evaluated based upon motivation, past academic performance, need for services and potential for success in college. A committee reviews and evaluates complete applications. An applicant’s complete file consists of a CSU application and EOP supplementary forms:

  1. Applicant Information
  2. Autobiography
  3. Recommendations (2 required)
  4. Additional requirements

This committee makes a recommendation to the EOP Director for acceptance or denial.

Can CSU students participate in EOP once they have enrolled?
No. EOP is an admission and retention program. Students must be evaluated and admitted to EOP before they begin classes.