In support of campuses’ commitment to high-quality academic programs, the Office of Academic Programs, Innovations and Faculty Development coordinates and facilitates the review and approval of new academic degree programs and ensures that sufficient faculty, physical facilities and library holdings are linked to academic program planning.
To assist campuses with their academic planning, this web-based guide is a compilation of pertinent laws, statutes, policies, and descriptions of processes used by the Chancellor’s Office relating to academic programs. This guide is revised regularly and campuses are encouraged to check back as needed to be sure current information, executive orders, legislation, policies and/or processes that affect academic degree planning are used.
EO 962: Undergraduate Admission Exceptions
ASA-2018-06: Systemwide Credit for External Examinations
Assembly Bill No.1295 Nursing Education Pathways and Ed Code 89267.5
SB No. 1440: The Star Act: The Padilla Transfer Bill
AA-2011-14: Definition of a Credit Hour (Coded Memo)
EO 1099 – Extended Education: Self-Supporting Instructional Courses and programs (replaces EO 1047)
Undergraduate Degrees
Title 5, Section 40508: Bachelor’s Degree: Total Units Title 5, Section 40500: Bachelor of Arts Degree: Curriculum Title 5, Section 40501: Bachelor of Science Degree: Curriculum Baccalaureate Degree Programs: Reducing Total Units Required BA/BS Degrees in a Single Discipline – Developments and Issues EP&R 85-13: Guidelines for Breadth in New Bachelor’s Degree Majors AP&RP 73-37: Procedures Pertaining to Submission of Proposals for Performance-Oriented Degrees in the Arts EO 1061: Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals EO 1100: General Education Breadth Requirements (revised)
Title 5, Section 40508: Bachelor’s Degree: Total Units
Title 5, Section 40500: Bachelor of Arts Degree: Curriculum
Title 5, Section 40501: Bachelor of Science Degree: Curriculum
Baccalaureate Degree Programs: Reducing Total Units Required
BA/BS Degrees in a Single Discipline – Developments and Issues
EP&R 85-13: Guidelines for Breadth in New Bachelor’s Degree Majors
AP&RP 73-37: Procedures Pertaining to Submission of Proposals for Performance-Oriented Degrees in the Arts
EO 1061: Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals
EO 1100: General Education Breadth Requirements (revised)
Graduate Degrees
Title 5, Section 40510: The Master’s Degree EP&R 82-39: Definitions of Graduate Level Instruction AAP 91-04: Recommendations on Study of Graduate Education Requesting the Graduate Business Professional Fee
Title 5, Section 40510: The Master’s Degree
EP&R 82-39: Definitions of Graduate Level Instruction
AAP 91-04: Recommendations on Study of Graduate Education
Requesting the Graduate Business Professional Fee
Other Degree Information
AA-2012-01: “Blended” or “4+1” Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs Dual Degree Restriction AA-2012-04: Dual Degree Restriction Awarding Multiple Degrees at a Single Commencement Including Diploma Format and Content: EO 971 Guidance for Proposing ITEP Programs CSU Student Fee Policy
AA-2012-01: “Blended” or “4+1” Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs
Dual Degree Restriction AA-2012-04: Dual Degree Restriction
Awarding Multiple Degrees at a Single Commencement Including Diploma Format and Content: EO 971
Guidance for Proposing ITEP Programs
CSU Student Fee Policy
New Degree Programs
CSU Degree Proposal and Approval Process Flowchart (PDF) Projected Degree Proposal Template for the AMP (DOCX) CSU Academic Master Plan (CSU login required) Basic (Core) Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Trustee Policy on Academic Program Planning (including Foundation Programs) Proposing New Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs New Degree Proposal Template 2022 (DOCX) Tips for Completing a Successful Program Proposal Procedures for Pilot Degree Programs (DOCX)
CSU Degree Proposal and Approval Process Flowchart (PDF)
Projected Degree Proposal Template for the AMP (DOCX)
CSU Academic Master Plan (CSU login required)
Basic (Core) Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Trustee Policy on Academic Program Planning (including Foundation Programs)
Proposing New Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs
New Degree Proposal Template 2022 (DOCX)
Tips for Completing a Successful Program Proposal
Procedures for Pilot Degree Programs (DOCX)
Program Modification
Changes to Existing Programs Converting Pilot Programs to Regular Program Status Converting Pilot Programs: Conversion Template Elevating Options, Emphases or Concentrations to Full Degree Template (DOC) Degree Designation Change Changing a Degree Title or Suggesting a new code Chancellor’s Office Approval Required for WASC Substantive Change Proposals WSCUC Distance Education Determination: Changing Modality for Existing Programs Academic Program Discontinuation: Coded Memo AAP 91-14
Changes to Existing Programs
Converting Pilot Programs to Regular Program Status
Converting Pilot Programs: Conversion Template
Elevating Options, Emphases or Concentrations to Full Degree Template (DOC)
Degree Designation Change
Changing a Degree Title or Suggesting a new code
Chancellor’s Office Approval Required for WASC Substantive Change Proposals
WSCUC Distance Education Determination: Changing Modality for Existing Programs
Academic Program Discontinuation: Coded Memo AAP 91-14
EO 1071: Authority to Approve Options, Concentrations, Special Emphases, and Minors Adding Subprograms (Options, Concentrations or Emphases) (PDF) Certificates
EO 1071: Authority to Approve Options, Concentrations, Special Emphases, and Minors
Adding Subprograms (Options, Concentrations or Emphases) (PDF)
Self-Support Programs
EO 1099: Extended Education; Self-Supporting Instructional Courses and Programs Converting Special Sessions Programs to State Support Adding Subprograms (Options, Concentrations or Emphases) (PDF)
EO 1099: Extended Education; Self-Supporting Instructional Courses and Programs
Converting Special Sessions Programs to State Support
Accreditation Doctoral Degree Planning Resources Glossary of Assessment Terms Institutional Research & Analysis
Doctoral Degree Planning Resources
Glossary of Assessment Terms
Institutional Research & Analysis