Get to know the departments that make up our division and the talented and hard-working individuals who collaborate to promote and sustain the California State University’s brand and purpose.
Advocacy & State Relations
Represents and advocates for the CSU’s interests with state government leaders through comprehensive advocacy and outreach programs.
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Federal Relations
Works to advance the interests of the CSU at the federal level by serving as a resource to Washington, DC-based policymakers, including the California Congressional delegation, as well as to national educational associations and media.
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Marketing Communications
Leads the CSU’s branding strategies through print, digital and visual campaigns, illuminating the CSU’s value and strengths as well as its impact on California and beyond.
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Strategic Communications & Public Affairs
Communicates the value and mission of the university via media relations, executive writing, social media, storytelling and collaboration with campus communications staff.
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Systemwide Advancement
Supports the CSU’s advancement programs by providing centralized services, benchmarking performance and developing administrative policy. Through the Alumni Council and CSU Foundation, Systemwide Advancement serves as an important conduit of information about the university’s achievements and challenges and connects the growing community of four million CSU alumni making an impact on California and the world.
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