
About Us

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is a collaborative, problem-solving team committed to acting with integrity, knowledge of the law, flexibility and reason to enable the entire CSU community to achieve its objectives and fulfill the CSU’s student-centered mission.

The attorneys in the OGC form proactive partnerships with campus and systemwide clients and work closely with them to understand their objectives and creatively move toward a solution to their legal issues.

The OGC provides, manages and coordinates all legal services for the CSU. Legal services within the CSU are purposefully centralized to ensure the provision of consistent advice. The General Counsel is the chief legal officer and has full authority and responsibility for the legal affairs of the institution. This includes providing representation and advice to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, systemwide leaders and all CSU campuses. The General Counsel approves the retention of outside counsel and has authority over the resolution of claims.

OGC Leadership

Andrew Jones
Executive Vice Chancellor and General Counsel

Dawn Theodora
Associate Vice Chancellor & Deputy General Counsel​

Carrie Hemphill Rieth
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -
External Affairs

Marc D. Mootchnik
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -
Human Resources

Monique C. Shay
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -
Academic & Student Affairs

Catherine Barrad
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -
Business & Finance

Susan Westover
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -​

Stephen M. Silver
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief Counsel -
Civil Rights

December Bold​en
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff​


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Contact Information

Office of General Counsel
The California State University, Office of the Chancellor
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802-4210
Phone: (562) 951-4500
Fax: (562) 951-4956