Catherine Barrad | Bakersfield, Channel Islands | Tax, Information Security & Privacy, Research & Sponsored Programs, Artificial Intelligence | | catherine-barrad | Lauren Becker | University Counsel | Civil Rights, ADA/Disability | | lauren-becker | Kelly Bendell | San Diego | Collective Bargaining and PERB, Benefits (e.g., PERS) | | kelly-bendell | Sasha Danna | Sacramento | Legislation, HIPAA | | sasha-danna | Chelsea Epps | Pomona | Intellectual Property, Trademark, Copyright, and Tech Transfer, EH&S and Campus Safety, Records Access (e.g. PRA, IPA) | | chelsea-epps | Ronald Gomez | San Bernardino | ADA/Disability, Bonds/Financing, Construction | | ronald-gomez | Gaelle H. Gralnek | Stanislaus | Advancement, Tax, Student Tuition & Fees | | gaelle-gralnek | Darryl Hamm | Dominguez Hills | Affirmative Action and Proposition 209, FERPA, First Amendment and Free Speech | | darryl-l-hamm | Carrie Hemphill Rieth | Chancellor’s Office | Auxiliary Organizations, Conflict of Interest, NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA, Records Access (e.g. PRA, IPA) | | carrie-hemphill-rieth | G. Andrew Jones | Exec. Vice Chancellor and General Counsel | Governance/Open Meetings | | andy-jones | Ruth Jones | University Counsel | Civil Rights, Whistleblower/Whistleblower Retaliation, Affirmative Action and Proposition 209 | | ruth-jones | Sophia Khan | University Counsel | Civil Rights, Athletics - Title IX | | sophia-khan | Alison N. Kleaver | San Francisco | Student Discipline, Immigration, FERPA | | alison-kleaver | Rikesha Lane | University Counsel | Civil Rights, NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA | | Rikesha-Lane | Andrew Maiorano | Fullerton | Construction, Title 5 | | andrew-maiorano | Daniel Mandel | University Counsel | California Environmental Quality Act/Land Use, Public Private Partnerships, Real Estate & Land Records | | daniel-mandel | Dustin May | San José | Wage/Hour/FLSA/Fair Pay Act | | dustin-may | Shawna McKeever | Long Beach | Export Controls, Intellectual Property, Trademark, Copyright, and Tech Transfer, Research & Sponsored Programs | | shawna-mckeever | Thy Monaco | Northridge | Financial Aid, Cannabis/Hemp, International Activities and Agreements, Bankruptcy | | thy-monaco | Marc D. Mootchnik | San Marcos | Governance/Open Meetings, Wage/Hour/FLSA/Fair Pay Act, Collective Bargaining and PERB | | marc-mootchnik | Devon Myers | University Counsel | Civil Rights, First Amendment and Free Speech | | devon-myers | Dylan Saake | University Counsel | Civil Rights, Student Discipline, Athletics - Title IX | | dylan-saake | Monique C. Shay | Maritime | Affirmative Action and Proposition 209, HIPAA, Residency, Title 5 | | monique-c-shay | Stephen M. Silver | Chico | Student Discipline, Financial Aid, Bankruptcy, Civil Rights | | stephen-silver | Kristina Doan Strottman | Los Angeles | Police/Clery/Pitchess Motions, Student Tuition & Fees | | kristina-doan-strottman | Michael Tam | Monterey Bay | Police/Clery/Pitchess Motions, Employee Discipline, EH&S and Campus Safety | | michael-tam | Dawn S. Theodora | Associate Vice Chancellor and Deputy General Counsel | California Environmental Quality Act/Land Use, Governance/Open Meetings, Public Private Partnerships | | dawn-theodora | Jaime Thompson | East Bay | Legislation, International Activities and Agreements, Information Security & Privacy, CSURMA & Risk Management | | jaime-thompson | John Walsh | Fresno | Advancement, Bonds/Financing, Athletics | | john-walsh | Elisabeth Sheh Walter | Sonoma | Leaves, Employee Discipline, ADA/Disability, Benefits (e.g., PERS) | | elisabeth-walter | Brian Walther | Humboldt | Intellectual Property, Trademark, Copyright, and Tech Transfer, Protection of CSU Name, Cannabis/Hemp, Contracts & Procurement | | brian-walther | Robin Webb | San Luis Obispo | First Amendment and Free Speech, CSURMA & Risk Management, Information Security & Privacy | | robin-webb |