Copy Command Improved

Based on user feedback, we improved the copy command to allow copying within your personal library.  Prior to the change, the copy command could only be used to copy reports from your personal library to the common or vice versa.


To copy an existing member in your library to a new member in your library, type a 'C' at the command line to the left of the report request name and press enter.  


                      CIRS PERSONAL LIBRARY                       

Cmds  B Browse   C Copy    D Delete        E Edit    Row 1 of 17

      P Print    R Rename  S Submit Batch  O Online Execution

Cmd  Name     Description                                Changed   


 _  EMPHIST   EMPLOYMENT HISTORY REPORT                2003/05/28

 C  EMPLIST   EMPLOYEE LIST - RUN QUARTERLY            2003/05/23

 _  FACULTY   FACULTY STATS                            2003/05/14


At the Confirm Copy screen, press the F6 key to change the destination library to your personal library and type a new name for the report request.  When complete, press the enter key to copy.  


|-------------------- Confirm Copy ---------------------|

|                                                       |

|         COPY EMPLIST  OF PERSONAL LIBRARY             |

|           TO ACTEMPS  OF PERSONAL LIBRARY             |

|                                                       |




The new report will be placed alphabetically in your library and will display as the top line so you can easily continue working with the new report.  


                       CIRS PERSONAL LIBRARY                   

Cmds  B Browse   C Copy    D Delete        E Edit        COPIED

      P Print    R Rename  S Submit Batch  O Online Execution

Cmd  Name     Description                                Changed   

 _  ACTEMPS   EMPLOYEE LIST - RUN QUARTERLY            2003/10/30

 _  EMPHIST   EMPLOYMENT HISTORY REPORT                2003/05/28

 _  FACULTY   FACULTY STATS                            2003/05/14


If you have any suggestions for system improvements or questions about the copy command, contact the CIRS Hotline.