
IPEDS B40 Definitions

CampusCampus code and name.
BLine NumberWhat part of the report  (full time faculty, all other full time employees, part time employees) the employee is counted in.
CPrimary Occupational ActivityWhat occupational activity the employee is counted in.
1Non Citizen MenTotal count of Non Citizen males.
2Non Citizen WomenTotal count of Non Citizen females.
3Black Non Hispanic MenTotal count of Black males.
4Black Non Hispanic WomenTotal count of Black females.
5Amer. Indian or Alaskan Native MenTotal count of American Indian males.
6Amer. Indian or Alaskan Native WomenTotal count of American Indian females.
7Asian MenTotal count of Asian males
8Asian WomenTotal count of Asian females
9Hispanic MenTotal count of Hispanic males
10Hispanic WomenTotal count of Hispanic females
11White Non Hispanic MenTotal count of White males
12White Non Hispanic WomenTotal count of White females
13Race/Ethnicity Unknown MenTotal count of Not Stated males.
14Race/Ethnicity Unknown WomenTotal count of Not Stated females.
15Grand Total All Employees MenTotal count of all male employees counted
16Grand Total All Employees WomenTotal count of all female employees counted
33Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander MenTotal count of Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander males.
34Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WomenTotal count of Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander females.