
Title IX

Title IX protects people from disc​rimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive financial assistance from the federal government. This includes protection for students, educators and school employees against all forms of sex or gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, other forms of sexual misconduct, stalking and retaliation.

CSU students or employees experiencing discrimination or harassment based on sex or gender should contact their university’s Title IX office for assistance (see pull-down list below).

Read the CSU’s Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender or Sex

Learn more about the CSU’s Commitment to Change – Cozen O’Connor Assessment

Campus Resources and Reporting

Every CSU campus has a dedicated Title IX Coordinator and confidential Sexual Assault Victim Advocate to provide support to students. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination or sexual violence, contact your​ campus Title IX office for assistance​.

Title IX Coordinators​​​

CSU Nondiscrimination Policy

The CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Retaliation (“The CSU Nondiscrimination Policy”) and Information about California Criminal Definitions.

Learn More About the Policies and Definitions