Probationary Period Code








A code indicating an employee’s probationary status. Refer to PIMS Manual, Item 430, for additional information.


Coding Values:

Below are the general definitions for the current coding values.  Refer to the PIMS Manual, Item 430, for complete information.  


A = On probation, no probationary status in another class or range

B = On probation, probationary status in another class or range

C = On probation, permanent status in another class or range

D = On probation, partial waiver of probationary period

E = On probation, end date extended                             

I = Permanent/Tenured

J = Permanent this class, probation period waived in total/partially

N = None

P = None this class, probationary status in another class or range

Q = None this class, permanent status in another class or range

T = Serving terminal year


Available Files:  

AC Active Current Status

AN Annual Current Status

EH Employment History Extract

SP Separated Current Status

TR Transaction Data


SAC Systemwide Active Current Status

SAN Systemwide Annual Current Status

STR Systemwide Transaction Data





Last Updated:  October 1, 2003