You must create this file before it can be used for reporting. Refer to the CIRS User Manual for instructions on creating an Employment History Extract file.
This file contains employment history transactions keyed by your campus and extracted from the EHDB for a specified set of SSN’s. Information is available for all active, on-leave and separated positions at your campus for faculty, staff, management, student and special pay employees. All transactions are available from 1976 up to the current moment, including voided, eliminated, fixed and deleted transactions, with the exception of EAR transactions and retirement system transaction code R02. This file would be used for employment history summaries and for reports requiring fields not available in the Transaction Data (TR) file. Note: EH files created for a long range of time may contain employees who are missing records due to data overflow. For additional information, refer to the topic: Tips For Using The Employment History Extract File.
Segment Name = EHDB, Segment Type = S1
Segment Name = HSTPSN, Parent = EHDB, Segment Type = S1, Occurs = EH:TWOCNT
Segment Name = HISTORY, Parent = HSTPSN, Segment Type = S1, Occurs = EH:THREECNT
Last Updated: May 19, 2011