(PPT Line G Item)
This item and sub-codes identify a specific Chancellor’s Office HR policy or other authorization that allows qualified employees to participate in specified programs.
This item may be required when using transactions: A52, A56, A60, S70, 215, 405 or S31 . This item is computer-generated when processing transaction A61.
A56 Transaction - Faculty Early Retirement Program
TO: 962 7757
If class code does not equal 2360 or 2399 or 2482 or 2913 or 2914 or 2919 or 2920 or 2926 or 2927 or 3070 or 3071 or 3072 or 3073 or 3074 or 3075, then Item 962 cannot equal 7757.
If a PRTB participant receives approval to discontinue the program, process a Transaction A60 to delete Item 962 and complete Detail Transaction Code (Item 719) as ‘32’.
If a PRTB participant separates (e.g., retires, resigns, etc.) then delete Item 962 on the separation transaction.
If a FERP participant terminates employment and has indicated that he/she will no longer seek employment under the FERP program, process a Transaction 215 to delete Item 962. The effective date of the 215 transaction must be effective the beginning of an academic pay period. Enter the date the employee resigned in Item 215. If the employee is no longer eligible, delete Item 962 on the last separation.
For academic separations effective at the beginning of a pay period (BOB), refer to Item 210 audit instructions for information on deductions and settlement pay.
More Info:
The SCO, Payroll Services Retirement Unit will calculate and deduct the Code 003 retirement and SS/MED deduction for each pay period an employee participates in the Pre-retirement program. Selection criteria is the presence of Item 962=7552 on an employee’s database record. Do not submit a F674 document for the Code 003 deduction unless the employee is placed on the program retroactively or has had a non-compensable absence (dock) during a pay period.
If an employee has 6 fields of line G on their record, and a 7th line G item must be added, follow the procedure below.
Example: Transaction S70 Effective 06/17/04. Line G = Item 810, Item 820, Item 825, Item 921 and Item 958 are all on the employee’s record, and Item 962 = 7757 must be added.
Action: Since CSU Audits cannot delete any of the fields, and Item 810 and Item 888 do not carry forward, the campus must process a Transaction 215 to enter Item 962 as follows:
Item 210 - Effective Date, enter beginning of an academic pay period for AY’s or state pay period
Item 215 - Employment History Remarks, enter ‘ITEM 962’
Item 962 - HR Letter Authorization, enter ‘7757’
Last Updated: August 12, 2014