Find important information for visitors, media and employees attending Board of Trustees meetings.
Procedures for Campus Employees, Visitors and Media
Code of Conduct
Safety and Security Procedures
The safety and security of CSU employees and visitors to the Chancellor’s Office is our top priority. In an effort to enhance security measures, and align with best practices, metal detector screenings and bag inspections will be implemented at all CSU Board of Trustees meetings.
View the Entrance
Addressing the Board of Trustees
Register for Public Comment
Members of the public have the opportunity to observe the meeting in-person or online and to offer public comment as follows:
- The meeting is broadcast via the
livestream through the Board of Trustees website.
- The Chancellor’s Office requires that all visitors comply with Cal/OSHA and local health department safety measures in effect at the time of the meeting. Depending on circumstances, masks may be required, and
the Dumke Conference Center may have limited seating to ensure proper physical distancing. Visitors who do not comply with the safety measures, or if the Dumke Auditorium has reached capacity, will be asked to watch the meeting via the livestream on the Board of Trustees website through their phone or computer. Because of the distancing measures and uncertainty of our seating capacity, members of the public are encouraged to observe the meeting via the livestream and offer any public comments through the available remote option.
- All public comment (for all committee and plenary sessions) will take place on March 25, at the start of the Board of Trustees’ open session (scheduled to begin at approximately 9:20 a.m.)
Written comments may be emailed to To the extent possible, all written comments will be distributed to members of the board, or its appropriate committee, prior to the beginning of the board or committee meeting.
- Members of the public who wish to offer public comment during the meeting may do so in-person or virtually/telephonically by registering here before 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 24. Efforts will be made to accommodate each individual who has requested to speak.
The purpose of public comment is to provide information to the board and not evoke an exchange with board members. Questions that board members may have resulting from public comment will be referred to appropriate staff for response.
In fairness to all speakers, and to allow the committees and board members to hear from as many speakers as possible while at the same time conducting the public business of their meetings within the time available,
public comment will be limited to 1 minute per speaker (or less depending on the number of speakers wishing to address the board.) Ceding, pooling, or yielding remaining time to other speakers is not permitted. Speakers are requested to make the best use of their public comment opportunity and follow the established rules.
Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, shall be made as follows: