January 25-26, 2005

Tuesday, Janu​ary 25, 2005 | Download ​Full Agenda

10:00 a.m. ​
Board of Trustees – Closed Session
Personnel Matters including Executive Reviews
(Government Code Section 11126 [a]) and
Honorary Degrees (Government Code Section 11126[c][5]
Munitz Conference Room

1:00 p.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium

Committee on Collective Bargaining—Closed Session
Munitz Conference Room
(Government Code Section 3596[d])
Dumke Auditorium​
1:45 p.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
2:45 p.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
3:45 p.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
4:45 p.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​​

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

8:00 a.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
9:00 a.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
10:00 a.m. ​
Dumke Auditorium​
11:00 a.m. ​
Board of Trustees
Dumke Auditorium​