
Salary Schedule Details

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Classification and Qualification Standards document (.pdf)
Class Range Effective Date Pay Letter CBID Abbreviated Class Title
3084 1 07/01/2024 2025-01 R04 SSP III/A

FLSA SISA Shift Differential Occupational Index Affirmative Action Employee Category
E N N O1 P4A 2

Vacation Rate Annual Factor Budget Occupation Salary Per Campus Code License Type
1 12 22 M 00 0

AY Class MPP AGL Pay Plan Establish Date Footnote Status
N A 11/01/1983 00 1

Variable Rate Salary - Monthly

Minimum Rate SSI Max Rate Maximum Rate
5,540.00 M
31.96 H
66,480.00 A 
0.00 M
0.00 H
0.00 A 
7,893.00 M
45.54 H
94,716.00 A