
Affinity Groups

Campus Deputy Building Official (CDBO): The Forum provides opportunities for presentations by members on various current events and issues related to the building code. Training sessions on lessons learned situations and various code compliance topics along with the review of roles and responsibilities of a CDBO as a “code administrator.” Meeting is also a venue for socialization and dissemination of information and activities of advisory boards and outside agencies such as the Seismic Review Board (SRB), Mechanical Review Board (MRB), Division of State Architect – Access Compliance (DSA-AC), Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM), California Building Standards Commission (CBSC), etc. Two of the main functions of this group is to provide a bridge to partner with the Office of Fire Safety who with their designated status provides a direct channel from the CSU to OSFM and draw on the strengths and knowledge of each member including the core stakeholders  - CDBOs and OFS - as well as other participants such as DFOs, EFOs, AVPs, Campus Planners & Ops Techs; all those interested and with a vested interest in code compliance are welcome. Meetings take place monthly in a roundtable type of forum. For more information, please contact Jack Andersen at [email protected].

Construction Management: The CSU Construction Management (CM) Affinity Group is comprised of representatives from CSU Design and Construction Department leaders at both the campus and system wide levels.  The Mission of the CSU Construction Management (CM) Affinity Group is to provide a forum in which an environment of collaboration and forward-thinking ideas amongst CSU campus design and construction management department leaders can take place, bringing added value to the process of delivering construction projects. Meetings take place twice a year. For more information, please contact Kevin Laut at [email protected].

Custodial Managers: Custodial managers discuss a range of questions and best practices related to day-to-day operations in the custodial related areas.  Topics include process and procedures to ensure cleaning and sanitation standards are met, type of products used for custodial services, equipment, technology, personnel matters, and general best practices. Members include the Custodial Managers of Facilities Operations, or similar titles. Meetings take place as needed.  For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Directors of Facilities Operations (DFO) aka Plant Directors: DFOs discuss a broad range of topics of interest at the DFO management level, with particular emphasis on sharing best practices, gathering input on proposed systemwide policies and procedures, spotlight campus achievements, equipment, technology, personnel matters, and general best practices. Members include Director of Facilities Operations, or similar titles. Meetings take place three times a year. For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Energy Managers: Energy Managers collaborate on critical topics such as renewable energy and carbon reduction, energy efficiency, and high-performance building design. This gives energy managers an opportunity to share model practices and learn from each other’s experiences; Working to ensure the CSU is operating in a clean and fiscally responsible manner. Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of the month. For more information, please contact Sean Higbee at [email protected]

Executive Facility Officers (EFO):  EFO’s discuss a broad range of topics of interest at the executive facilities management level, with particular emphasis on sharing best practices, gathering input on proposed systemwide policies and procedures, and sharing industry information. Members include Associate Vice Presidents of Facilities Planning and Operations, Associate Vice Presidents of Facilities and Capital Projects, or similar titles. Meetings typically take place 3x per year for 1.5 days per meeting, in person at host campuses. For more information, please contact Amy Forte at [email protected].

Facility Administration and Business (FAB):  FAB discusses a broad range of questions and best practices relating to facilities administration. Topics include facilities performance data collection, capital project budget administration, personnel matters, etc. Members include Directors of Facilities Management & Administration, Managers of Facilities Business Services, or similar titles. Meetings typically take place quarterly. For more information, please contact Amy Forte at [email protected].

Fleet Managers: Fleet managers discuss a range of questions and best practices related to fleet management. Topics include to maintenance and repairs on the campus’ fleet inventory, equipment, technology, personnel matters, and general best practices. Members include the Fleet Managers of Facilities Operations, or similar titles. Meetings take place as needed.  For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Grounds Managers: Grounds managers discuss a range of questions and best practices related to day-to-day operations in the grounds related areas. Topics include the maintenance and landscaping of outdoor areas and facilities equipment, technology, personnel matters, and general best practices. Members include the Grounds Managers of Facilities Operations, or similar titles. Meetings take place as needed.  For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Joint Apprentice Training Committee: The committee discuss a range of topics related to the CSU/Teamster Joint Apprenticeship Training program. Topics include on-the-job training and classroom training in one of ten apprentice able trades, and personnel matters. Meetings take place quarterly. For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Planning: The Planning Affinity Group allows planners at all 23 campuses and the Chancellor’s Office to share knowledge and best practices on topics such as master planning, programming, space management, project budgeting, and feasibility studies. The group’s mission is to foster collaborative problem solving across the CSU and to provide opportunities for networking and mentorship. Meetings take place quarterly. For more information, please contact Hong Lin [email protected].

Sustainability Managers: Sustainability Managers identify and advocate for university operations and engagement model practices that minimize our campuses’ impact on the environment. Managers support the CSU core mission and CSU Sustainability Policy and work to benchmark and continuously improve their campus as recognized national leaders in sustainability. Meeting take place on the first Wednesday of the month. For more information, please contact Tamara Wallace at [email protected].

Trades: Trades managers discuss a range of questions and best practices related to day-to-day operations in the trades related areas. Topics include the maintenance and repairs on equipment within a facility, emergency repairs, equipment, technology, personnel matters, and general best practices. Members include the Trades Manager of Facilities Operations, or similar titles. Meetings take place as needed. For more information, please contact Shawn Holland at [email protected].

Transportation and Parking Directors: Transportation and Parking Directors ensure that students, faculty and staff have safe, affordable and convenient ways to get to campus. Directors share new technologies and program models that help make transportation on campuses better and work to guarantee the long-term financial health of the campus' parking and transportation programs. Meetings typically take place on the last Tuesday of each month. For more information, please contact Hank Kaplan [email protected].