
Capital and Infrastructure Improvements:

Stage 4: Design

Regulatory Approval/Agency Permitting


Professional services undertaken on behalf of the CSU and its campuses shall be in compliance with a range of Code and regulations.​

Design team shall secure approval of 95% CD set from all authorities having jurisdiction such as State fire Marshal, Division of State Architect, and local agencies, reviewing entities, and finally, the Trustees Campus Deputy Building Official (CDBO).

The approved 95% construction documents by agencies shall be considered the 100% construction documents upon issuance of the approval by the (CDBO).

Typical Agencies:
  • Office of State Fire Marshal (SFM) - Authority over fire and Panic Safety
  • Division of State Architect (DSA) - Reviewing entity to certify access compliance
  • Local Health Department - Authority over food service and aquatic facilities
  • Local Coastal Commission - Authority over development of coastal zones
  • Federal Agencies - Authority as designated
  • California State University (CSU) - Authority responsible for overall code enforcement including seismic safety

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