
Stage 3: Programming

​​​​Funding Approval

Projects proposed for amendment into the capital program should have an identified fund source or sources. Below is a brief description of the types of funds available for self-support projects.​

Fund Types:

Systemwide Revenue Bonds – Self-Support (SRB-SS)
In March 2002, the CSU Board of Trustees approved the creation of the Systemwide Revenue Bond (SRB) Program to secure CSU debt issued pursuant to the State University Revenue Bond Act of 1947 (Bond Act). ​

To use the limited debt capacity of CSU in the most cost effective and prudent manner, all on-campus student, faculty and staff rental housing, parking, student union, health center, and continuing education capital projects will be financed by the Trustees using a broad systemwide multi-source revenue pledge under the authority of the Bond Act in conjunction with the respective authority of the Trustees to collect and pledge revenues. Other revenue-based on-campus and off-campus projects will also be financed through this program and the Bond Act unless there are compelling reasons why a project could not or should not be financed through this program.​

Designated Campus Reserves
A campus should consider the use the appropriate program operating fund revenues and reserves as contributions to off-set the debt financing of self-support self-support projects. ​

Donor Support
Capital projects may be funded with private donations. In the event that the funds are not readily available, the campus will need to identify an interim funding solution to support the immediate financial needs of the project.​

CSU facilities may be constructed with funding secured through grants and other external opportunities. Campuses should consult with the Office of the Chancellor in such instances.​



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