
Stage 3: Programming

​​Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan (Action Year) Steps

​The Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan is split into two components—the first year, also known as the ‘action year’. Years two through five are called the ‘out years’. This section focuses on the steps to completing a submittal for action-year projects.

​​​​​​​Feasibility Study

The first step to programming a project is to complete a feasibility study to analyze the viability of proposed capital projects. Such studies are required for all action year projects to establish the project scope and estimate an accurate budget. A feasibility study will give focus to the project; analyze alternatives; explore new opportunities; identify reasons to proceed or not proceed; and provide documentation that all options were thoroughly investigated. Finally, the study will analyze and recommend the type of construction delivery method most appropriate for the proposed project. All feasibility studies should be reviewed by a Mechanical Review Board (MRB) member and Seismic Review Board (SRB) member, as applicable.​

Information about service agreements for feasibility study consultants is available in the Stage 4: Design​.

A1. Specialty Studies:

Some project types require additional assessment as part of the feasibility study process to demonstrate need.

Student Unions: Proposed projects require a verification of a successful student referendum for the project or alternative consultation process. The submittal should also include a viable financial plan, for a ten-year projection with two years of actuals, including details of project financing which are consistent with and incorporate the standard annual student union budget plan.​

Student Housing: Proposed new and replacement housing projects require a market demand study to demonstrate the need for the appropriate mix of housing unit types (e.g. dormitory, suites, apartments) and rental rates. The market demand study should be coordinated with Financing and Treasury.​

Parking Facilities: Proposed new and replacement parking facility projects should include a demand study by an independent consultant. The parking demand study shall include an analysis of parking offsets resulting from Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures implemented in accordance with the campus TDM Plan and Education Code Section 89701 (4) which requires a thorough investigation of programs incorporating alternate modes of transportation in order to demonstrate that parking demand is justified. Proposed parking facility projects require a thorough access assessment be conducted by an independent consultant prior to submission. The submittal should include a financial plan comparing projected campus parking program revenues to expenses for a ten-year projection with two years of actuals.​

Health Center Projects: Proposed projects require a financial plan comparing projected campus health center facility fee revenues to expenses for a ten-year projection with two years of actuals.​

Continuing Education: Proposed projects require a financial plan comparing projected campus Continuing Education revenues to expenses for a ten-year projection with two years of actuals.​

Donor Funded Projects: Proposed projects should identify a budgeted plan and verify sufficient cash on hand for the project to support the project phase(s) requested. Project cash flows for the balance of funds for the remaining project phase(s). ​

Projects Operated by Auxiliary Organizations: If the proposed project is funded from cash, identification of sufficient cash on hand to support the project. If the proposed project is anticipated to be funded by issuance of debt, by either the Auxiliary Organization directly or through Systemwide Revenue Bonds, then a viable financial plan is to be submitted.​

A2. Facilities Condition Assessments:

Proposed renovation or replacement projects should include analysis conducted in relevant Facilities Condition Assessments (FCA) or similar building studies to determine the feasibility of retaining existing space or proceeding with demolition. Your campus Facilities Condition Assessment reports can be found here​: link to ISES database

A3. CSU Seismic Priority List

The Chancellor’s Office maintains a seismic priority list of buildings identified by Seismic Review Board for which there are additional seismic retrofit requirements above CBC. This list is divided into two categories: ​

  • List 1: Buildings that are a priority for seismic retrofit should be retrofitted as soon as resources are available without regard to other modifications of the building. ​
  • List 2: Buildings that must be retrofitted when a major capital project is allocated to the building, notwithstanding an allowance from CBC to not do so.

    View the CSU Seismic Priority List​, for more information.



B. Owner’s Project Requirements

The Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) are inclusive, detailed description of the Owner’s goals, requirements, and expectations for a proposed project. Owner’s Project Requirements are mandatory for new buildings and renovations over 10,000 GSF by the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 6 (California Energy Efficiency Standards).​

The California State University Owner’s Project Requirements include requirements for commissioned systems as well as physical and functional building characteristics desired by the ownerThe Owner’s Project Requirements establish performance and acceptance criteria for the proposed project. The OPR is intended to be developed prior to the design phases and issuance of the project RFP. It will likely leverage information from earlier project planning, such as feasibility studies and programming efforts. While each decision required to complete a full OPR may not be complete at the time of the project’s Five-Year Capital Plan or Amend submissio​​n, starting to prepare the OPR earlier can help inform project scope and more accurate project estimates.  

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