
Academic Project:

Stage 4: Design

Determination of Authorities Having Jurisdiction




For most projects, CSU is an authority having jurisdiction; however, there are other entities that have shared responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of the design team to identify all regulatory agencies that need to be involved as well as understand required plan reviews and code certification processes prior to the completion of schematic design.


The campus designated project administrator may review and assist the design team with the determination of involved regulatory agencies. Any input provided shall be validated by the design team.

Campus Project administrator shall consult with the designated Campus Deputy Building Official.

Typical Agencies:

  • Office of State Fire Marshal (SFM) - Authority over fire and Panic Safety
  • Division of State Architect (DSA) - Reviewing entity to certify access compliance
  • Local Health Department - Authority over food service and aquatic facilities
  • Local Coastal Commission - Authority over development of coastal zones
  • Federal Agencies - Authority as designated
  • California State University (CSU) - Authority responsible for overall code enforcement including seismic safety


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