Selection of Professional Service Provider
The California State University has authority to procure its projects using the Construction Manager at Risk with Guaranteed Maximum Price (CMAR) method of procurement under Public Contract Code section 10708.
Professional Services of a California licensed architect is required for construction of most structures. The campus acting on behalf of the Trustees of California State University shall determine the need for professional services.
In the CMAR delivery method, the campus will issue separate contracts with design professional and the construction manager (CM).
As the contract with the design professional is directly with the CSU, selection of professional service providers will depend on the services required. There are several categories of professional services that are required for CMAR delivery:
Service provider as project architect / engineer (Major Capital projects)- Professional Services of a prequalified California licensed architect is required for major capital projects. Per CSU policy, CPDC has established and maintains a list of prequalified architects for major capital projects.
CSU prequalified architectural searchable database
Service provider as consultant or
project architect / engineer on Minor Capital projects - The consulting architect acting as a independent consultant to the campus or as authors of bridging documents does not need to be prequalified through the CSU architectural prequalification. Consulting engineers and construction mangers providing consulting services also do not need to be prequalified through the CSU architectural prequalification process. For minor capital projects, the architect of record / engineer does not need to be prequalified through the CSU architectural prequalification.
Systemwide Review Service Providers - CSU maintains various Master Enabling Agreements for the purpose of plan check and system reviews. Refer to tabs below for further information.
In addition to the professional Service providers, the CM is responsible for various services during the design phases. Refer to step B for additional information.
Project Architect / Engineer Agreement (Major Capital Project)
CSU Architect/Engineer Agreement is inclusive of design as well as construction contract administration services by the design professional.
Limitation on Use:
Intended as the ‘Owner/Architect agreement’ for major capital building projects.
Typically not appropriate for use on minor capital projects or supporting design services due to extensive deliverables defined in agreement.
Funds for Professional services shall be secured by the campus.
The campus shall execute a “CSU Architect/Engineer Agreement” for major capital building projects.
Agreements need to follow the general requirements of an agreement per SUAM and must identify the parties involved, scope, bases of compensation, procedure to accommodate additional services, an procedure to terminate of the project.
Agreement for professional services are not in force or effect until approved by the CSU Office of the General Counsel.
Small Project Architect / Engineer Agreement (SPA)
CSU Small Project Agreement (SPA) is a streamlined version of Project Architect / Engineer Agreement, inclusive of design, but if desired, construction contract administration services by the design professional shall be clearly identified in the scope of work. Agreement may be used to provide Architectural services, supplement the campus advisory team, or pre-schematic services, including development of pre-schematic documents.
Limitation on Use:
For use on any CSU design/construction project. Optimized for projects with total costs under $5 million. For reports and special studies a Service Agreement will be more appropriate.
Funds for Professional services shall be secured by the campus.
The campus shall execute a CSU Small Project Agreement for building projects.
Agreements need to follow the general requirements of an agreement per SUAM and must identify the parties involved, scope, bases of compensation, procedure to accommodate additional services, an procedure to terminate of the project.
Agreement for professional services are not in force or effect until approved by the CSU Office of the General Counsel.
Service AgreementDescription:
CSU Service agreement may be used for design services for Minor Capital or JOC projects, supporting design services for any project CEQA, feasibility, master plan studies, miscellaneous professional services, and specialty design services such as: geotechnical, hazardous material reviews, acoustical, laboratory or other design studies, testing or inspection, services.
Limitation on Use:
Service Agreements do not contain the comprehensive framework of deliverables identified in the CSU A/E Agreement thus campuses must use care to develop Service Agreement Scopes of Service to comprehensively describe:
Scope of work, project schedule, deliverables, fee, payment times, and special conditions such as:
Extent of cost estimates to be provided, listing of consulting engineer disciplines to be provided as a part of the work, extent of outside agency plan reviews required, extent of bidding support is required, extent and frequency of construction administration support required, extent of as-built documents required.
Note that there may be Master Enabling Agreements for services such as plan check, seismic system review, mechanical system review, commissioning services, and facility conditions assessment
Funds for Professional services shall be secured by the campus.
The campus shall execute a CSU Service Agreement for variety of services.
Agreements need to follow the general requirements of an agreement per SUAM and must identify the parties involved, scope, bases of compensation, procedure to accommodate additional services, an procedure to terminate of the project.
Agreement for professional services are not in force or effect until approved by the CSU Office of the General Counsel.
Professional Service Agreement Forms/Templates
Task Order Service Agreement for Professional Service
CSU Task Order Service Agreement (TOSA) Service agreement may be used for design services for Minor Capital or JOC projects. TOSA can be tailored to provide Individual task orders supporting design services for any project in design-build projects including CEQA, feasibility, master plan studies, miscellaneous professional services, and specialty design services such as: geotechnical, hazardous material reviews, acoustical, laboratory or other design studies, testing or inspection, services.
Limitation on Use:
TOSA does not contain the comprehensive framework of deliverables identified in the CSU A/E Agreement thus campuses must use care to develop and issue individual task orders under the TOSA for each professional service required.
TOSA is limited by value up to $400,000 maximum. Agreement term is also limited to one year. Multiple concurrent TOSAs may not be issued to a single service provider.
Funds for Professional services shall be secured by the campus.
The campus shall execute a CSU Service Agreement for variety of services.
Agreements need to follow the general requirements of an agreement per SUAM and must identify the parties involved, scope, bases of compensation, procedure to accommodate additional services, an procedure to terminate of the project.
Agreement for professional services are not in force or effect until approved by the CSU Office of the General Counsel.