
Reports By Subject

From time to time, the Academic Senate—through the efforts of its members or committees—examines critical systemwide issues in depth or collaborates in the development of reports which are then formally received and/or approved by the body. Issues examined include curriculum, faculty recruitment and retention, shared governance, strategic planning, pedagogy (including technology), and facilitating student success.

Academic Quality

Baccalaureate Education in the CSU (November 1997)

General Education Task Force Report: Recommendations for GE Review and Reform (February 2019)

Online Education White Paper (2012)

Quantitative Reasoning Task Force (QRTF Report) (September 2016)

Recommendations for the Mathematics Framework Second Field Review (APEP - May 2022)​

Rethinking Graduate Education in the CSU: Meeting the needs of the People of California for Graduate Education for the 21st Century: Report of the Task Force on Graduate and Postbaccalaureate Education in the CSU (September 2004)

CSU Mission/Strategic Planning

​​ The California State University at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Meeting the Needs of the People of California (September 7, 2001; updated February 2007)

Related Documents

Faculty Affairs

Response To ACR 73 (Strom-Martin): A Plan to Increase the Percentage of Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty in the CSU (July 2002)

CSU Faculty Workload

CSU Faculty Workload Report  (February 2002)

Comparable Faculty Workload Report  (January 2003)

Findings and Recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the CSU and Comparable Faculty Workload Studies (January 2003)

Faculty Compensation

Faculty Compensation and the Crisis in Recruiting and Retaining Faculty of High Quality (May 5, 2005)

Faculty Compensation (PPT; May 5, 2005)

Faculty Flow

CSU Faculty Flow Survey Report (January 2003)

CSU Faculty Profile: Proportion of Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty and Demographic Trends, 2001-2009 (May 2012)

Intellectual Property, Fair Use, and the Unbundling of Ownership Right (March 2003)

Public Higher Education and Productivity: A Faculty Voice (January 9, 1997)

Report of the Faculty Flow Committee (March 2003)

Service in the Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Process (December 19, 2002)

Student Evaluations of Teaching - A Report of the Joint Committee of the California Faculty Association and Academic Senate CSU (March 12, 2008)

Task Force Report on CSU Department Chairs

CSU Department Chair Survey Report (December 2002)

Department Chair Survey (April 2002)

Roles, Responsibilities and Rewards for Department Chairs (2003)

Shared Governance

Academic Senate CSU Accomplishment - 2009 to 2012

Final Report of the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Senate Budget (December 2005)

Principles and Policies: Papers of the Academic Senate (Volume II, 1999; PDF, 1.2MB)

Shared Governance

Academic Senate Governance

Shared Governance Reconsidered: Improving Decision-Making in the California State University (March 29, 2001)

Student Preparedness/Success

White Paper on Student Success​ (March 2018)​

Facilitating Student Success in Achieving the Baccalaureate Degree (April 17, 2003)

Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS)

Academic Literacy: A Statement of Competencies Expected of Students Entering California’s Public Colleges and Universities (Spring 2002)​

Report of the CSU Textbook Affordability Task Force (September 2007)

Statement on Competency-based Assessment of Student LearningStatement on Competencies in Mathematics Expected of Entering College Students (Revised 2013)

Statement on Competencies in Languages Other Than English Expected of Entering Freshman - Phase I: French, German, and Spanish (December 1986)

Statement on Competencies in Languages Other Than English Expected of Entering Freshman - Phase II: Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Russian (Fall 1994)

Statement on Preparation in Natural Science Expected of Entering Freshman

Whitepaper on Student Success (May 2018)