This reference booklet contains fall 2023 snapshot information on employees at all 23 universities and the Chancellor’s Office.
- Data presented in this report were obtained from the annual systemwide IPEDS-HR extract, from campus HR databases in
PeopleSoft and from the annual Faculty Recruitment and Retention Survey.
- Beginning in 2023, we report all classifications/job codes within United Auto Workers (UAW) for the represented Academic
Student Employees regardless of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) reporting guidelines. As a result,
data for these groups cannot be directly compared to previous Employee Profiles.
- All tables and charts in the Employee Profile exclude non-represented student employees (unless otherwise noted), other
intermittent or casual employees, and faculty teaching in extension, special sessions and summer sessions.
- Terminology and classifications represented throughout the document are consistent with those utilized by the Integrated Postsecondary Data System Reports (IPEDS).
- Beginning in 2020, we use Employee Group to replace Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Standard Occupational Classification
(SOC) because it aligns with the CSU’s reporting practices. As a result, data for these groups cannot be directly compared to
previous Employee Profiles.
- Percentages referenced throughout this report may not add up to 100 because of rounding.
Academic Student Employee
Employees whose primary appointment is as a teaching associate, graduate assistant or instructional student assistant.
Chancellor’s Office executives, campus presidents and all Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employees.
Individuals employed “100% time”; includes full-time employees on leave with pay.
All regular instructional faculty, including department chairs and lecturers. Excludes librarians, coaches and counselors. Also excludes extension or summer session faculty.
Includes all instructional faculty with temporary appointments (nontenure track).
Non-Instructional Faculty
Librarians, coaches and counselors.
Non-Represented Student Employees
Student employees who are not represented by a labor union.
Includes employees whose assignments at a given campus are less than 100% time. Individuals employed simultaneously at two universities are counted as two employees.
Tenure-track faculty employees who have not been awarded tenure. Includes individuals serving a “terminal” year.
Represented Student Employees
Academic student employees represented by UAW.
Employees with a primary appointment other than faculty or student employee. Excludes executives and management.
Tenure-track faculty employees who have been awarded tenure.