
CSU Students

Technical Notes and Glossary

This reference booklet contains fall 2023 snapshot information on employees at all 23 universities and the Chancellor’s Office.

  • Data presented in this report were obtained from the annual systemwide IPEDS-HR extract, from campus HR databases in
    PeopleSoft and from the annual Faculty Recruitment and Retention Survey.
  • Beginning in 2023, we report all classifications/job codes within United Auto Workers (UAW) for the represented Academic
    Student Employees regardless of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) reporting guidelines. As a result,
    data for these groups cannot be directly compared to previous Employee Profiles.
  • All tables and charts in the Employee Profile exclude non-represented student employees (unless otherwise noted), other
    intermittent or casual employees, and faculty teaching in extension, special sessions and summer sessions.
  • ​​Terminology and classifications represented throughout the document are consistent with those utilized by the Integrated Postsecondary Data System Reports (IPEDS).
  • ​Beginning in 2020, we use Employee Group to replace Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Standard Occupational Classification
    (SOC) because it aligns with the CSU’s reporting practices. As a result, data for these groups cannot be directly compared to
    previous Employee Profiles.
  • Percentages referenced throughout this report may not add up to 100 because of rounding.


Academic Student Employee

Employees whose primary appointment is as a teaching associate, graduate assistant or instructional student assistant.

Executives & Management

Chancellor’s Of​fice executives, campus presidents and all Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employees.


Individuals employed “100% time”; includes full-time employees on leave with pay.​

Instructional Faculty

A​ll regular instructional faculty, including department chairs and lecturers. Excludes librarians, coaches and counselors. Also excludes extension or summer session faculty.


Includes all instructional faculty with temporary appointments (nontenure track).​

Non-Instructional Faculty

Librarians, coaches and counselors.

Non-Represented Student Employees

Student employees who are not represented by a labor union.​


Includes employees whose assignments at a given campus are less than 100% time. Individuals employed simultaneously at two universities are counted as two employees.​

Probationary Faculty

Tenure-track faculty employees who have not been awarded tenure. Includes individuals serving a “terminal” year.​

Represented Student Employees

Academic student employees represented by UAW.​


Employees with a primary appointment other than faculty or student employee. Excludes executives and management.​

Tenured Faculty

Tenure-track faculty employees who have been awarded tenure.​

Questions about the data in the Employee Profile should be directed to: hradmin@calstate.edu.
