
Farzad Shahbodaghlou, Ph.D.

Professor And Founding Director, Civil Engineering And Construction Management
California State University, East Bay

​​Shahbodaghlou has over three decades of experience as an academician, practitioner and consultant in the construction industry. He founded Cal State East Bay’s Civil Engineering & Construction Management Program in 2009 and considers its growth to more than 300 students his greatest accomplishment. A new civil engineering program was inaugurated this fall, and a biannual career fair has increased to over 50 companies. He serves as a graduate coordinator and is the self-appointed career advisor and mentor for students in his programs. For the past decade, Shahbodaghlou has led the Discover Engineering Residential Summer Camp, which provides high school students with hands-on education and access to industry experts. In 2002 he was recognized by the Construction Management Association of America with Educator of the Year and Nor-Cal President’s Awards. “The messages I receive from students, alumni and employers in the construction industry on how our program has changed lives and made an impact is most gratifying to me,” says Shahbodaghlou. “I am most honored to be in this position.”

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