
Wang Awards 2025

The Wang Family Excellence Award

The Wang Family Excellence Award recognizes four outstanding faculty members and one outstanding staff member who, through extraordinary commitment and dedication, have distinguished themselves through exemplary contributions and achievements. Their activities advance the California State University’s mission, contribute to student success, bring benefit and credit to the CSU, and enhance excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. Each recipient receives a $20,000 award.

The Wang Family Excellence Award was originally established in 1998 when then-CSU Trustee Stanley Wang provided $1 million to recognize the remarkable contributions of faculty and staff over a 10-year period. Trustee Emeritus Wang generously agreed to reinstate the award in 2015. In January 2017, Mr. Wang endowed the program with a $2.5 million gift, allowing the CSU to recognize outstanding faculty and staff for years to come. Mr. Wang’s generous contributions to the CSU total $3.8 million to date.

Meet the 2025​​ Awardees

Our 2025 Wang Family Excellence Award recipients personify passion, innovation and a commitment to elevating the CSU learning experience for the diverse and talented students we are so honored to serve. These five extraordinary individuals are connecting students with transformational opportunities for personal and intellectual growth, as well as to serve leadership roles in their communities. We offer our enduring and heartfelt appreciation to Trustee Emeritus Stanley Wang and his family for their generous gift that allows us to provide financial support for these outstanding and student-focused awardees.”

—Chancellor Mildred García

About the Donor​

Stanley Wang is the founder and leader of Pantronix Corporation and a committed supporter of higher education.

Read About Stanley Wang

2025 Nominees

The campus presidents of the California State University nominated a stellar list of faculty and staff members for this year’s awards.​

Meet the Nominees​