Integration reflects CSU’s commitment to its core educational mission, fiscal sustainability and supporting workforce needs while preserving Cal Maritime as one of the nation’s premier maritime academies.
The California State University (CSU) has announced a recommendation to integrate California State University Maritime Academy and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and preserve Cal Maritime’s nearly 100-year history and reputation as a vital maritime institution.
CSU Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Steve Relyea and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs and Chief Academic Officer Nathan Evans made the recommendation to Chancellor Mildred García, explaining that bold and decisive action is necessary to address growing financial challenges and enrollment declines at Cal Maritime that have undermined its viability as a standalone institution.
“The integration of Cal Maritime and Cal Poly will benefit the students, faculty and staff of both institutions, as well as advance the broader mission of the CSU system by enhancing the quality, diversity and sustainability of the CSU’s academic programs and services statewide,” said Relyea and Evans. “In addition, it will serve industry and workforce needs of the state of California and of the nation while also supporting U.S. economic and national security interests. We are confident in our recommendation.”
Over the last seven years, Cal Maritime has experienced a 31% enrollment decline, from approximately 1,100 students in 2016-17 to just over 750 in 2023-24. That, coupled with rising employment and operational costs, has contributed to Cal Maritime’s fiscal crisis. These challenges are not unique to Cal Maritime, as colleges and universities nationally, including the state maritime academies, have been experiencing enrollment and fiscal challenges. Cal Maritime has implemented several actions and is considering additional steps toward reducing expenses and increasing revenues over the next three years. However, any further reductions to its budget risks compromising Cal Maritime’s critical infrastructure and unique academic mission.
“Cal Maritime has been part of Vallejo’s rich history and a source of pride for eight decades. Our students, faculty, staff and alumni have played an important role in the history of the state, the region and the nation,” said Cal Maritime Interim President Michael Dumont. “An integration with Cal Poly is an amazing opportunity to honor that legacy by preserving one of the nation’s premier maritime academies.”
Under the recommendation, Cal Maritime would retain its maritime focus within Cal Poly, with the integration of operations, resources and governance structure. Cal Maritime’s specialized degree programs, three of which lead to a Merchant Marine license issued by the U.S. Coast Guard, would continue to be offered at the Vallejo campus. Both institutions would benefit from expanded academic offerings, research opportunities and facilities.
Cal Maritime’s students would become part of the Cal Poly student body and benefit from Cal Poly’s strong reputation as a comprehensive polytechnic institution and gain access to a broad range of academic facilities and student services.
“As I’ve reflected upon this new opportunity the CSU has asked Cal Poly to take on, I’ve recognized the value it provides both Cal Poly and Cal Maritime,” said Cal Poly President Jeffrey D. Armstrong. “Both of our institutions share an innovative, hands-on, learn by doing approach and academic programming that is rooted in world-class engineering. I am optimistic and confident that we can leverage these and our other collective strengths to build upon and ensure our future success.”
The integration, which would be complete by the start of the 2026-27 academic year, requires the approval of the CSU Board of Trustees. The board will be asked to act on the recommendation at its November 2024 meeting following information sessions at its July and September meetings.
“The recommended integration of Cal Maritime and Cal Poly is an innovative and vitally necessary strategy with benefits that will be felt throughout the CSU, the state of California and our nation,” said CSU Chancellor Mildred García. “It provides a long-term solution to Cal Maritime’s untenable fiscal circumstances, preserves its licensure-granting academic programs so key to the maritime industry and our state’s and nation’s economy and security, and leverages academic and operational synergies between the two universities that will benefit California’s diverse students, families and communities for generations.”
For more information about the integration proposal, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit Integration of Cal Maritime and Cal Poly.